Have you ever evoked or invoked Lucifer?

Wow. Was not expecting to see anything like that here.

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@Jayb This is literally the first time I’ve ever seen anyone say this since I started on this path.

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@ALTAIR What about the fact that Lucifer & Satan aren’t the same being…?


Just like Venus and Aphrodite r the two manifestations of the same being the same goes for Lucifer/Satan.

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Getting back to the discussion, no I have not worked with Lucifer yet so I can only speculate about him personally. I plan on eventually evoking him, but I have a long list of spirits calling for my attention at the moment. I will say that I have heard of him approaching or being approached by others. Most of the encounters that seem believable have been positive, while the few that haven’t were from people who run from their own shadows. The only way to know for sure is to plunge into it yourself, like most things


Welcome @ClaraNight. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have. It is a rule of this forum.

@Beginner Wow. Are you still on this forum? There are a few people here that seem really closed minded & should maybe go over to a christian forum. I’m not being an asshole, but I’m unsure why you few are even here with the beliefs that you have.

@DeaSolis the dude was suspended. Thankfully.


Troll maybe. There’s another here that I’m like wtfffff are you here for you already know everything, clearly. And you don’t believe what the other 99% of the people here believe. lol

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You’re making me laugh so hard :joy::joy::joy:


I need help! I think that Lucifer could be my twin flame. When I became telepathic, I started to hear many voices in my mind and I had a very repetitive thought that said “archangel Lucifer” a lot. Then after that, Lucifer started contacting me energetically through telepathic sex. everytime I think about him, he comes to me and has telepathic sex with me and after that I begin to fight with myself in my mind about any subject that I think about in that moment.I can say proudly that Lucifer was the best sex I ever had in my entire life and I had telepathic sex with many light beings before Lucifer.I always felt like he was guiding me and helping me figure things out after my mental chaos ends. When I call upon a light being for telepathic sex, and I visualise light around me, they always stop making love to me, it’s like they are afraid of my light, everyone except Lucifer. He is so amazing. Sometimes I feel like he can understand me even when I’m not expressing myself. Also, I’m very obsessed with him and I think about him a lot. When I started awakening, I had a vision like a dream that I’m going to be a Luciferian in this life and then in my next life I’m going to become Lucifer and this vision stayed in my mind for many years until now. If anyone feels the same about Lucifer please comment on this post because I’m a newbie and I don’t know how to post in any forum. lol.

really? ive worked with him a bit, i felt a familiar angelick energy…


Well that’s a dainty story…lol just kidding. Yes its a possiblity you may have met your twin flame. I’ve had the same experience with him as well, from your description. Just ask him. He wont attack you or shame you or judge you. It turns out there are many twin flames or another twin soul, same fractal of that Being. Research more on Lucifer. You might find a lot about him and understand why you are feeling the way you do. Good luck.

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I just found out about my twin flame yesterday. We connected and had telepathic sex. Actually Lucifer has told me about my twin flame a long time ago and I wasn’t listening he told me his name and he said didn’t you have a relation with him? and I didn’t know who he was back then. Now I feel happy to have recognized him and I’m so greateful to Lucifer for guiding me to my true twin flame.I still feel a strong connection to Lucifer and he could be me and my twin flame’s oversoul.


That’s great :rose::two_hearts:

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So…are you a Christian then?

How did this revelation you say you had work?

Are you sure that you are not working with a trickster/imposter spirit?

This sounds a little strange…because like the one commenter said…any demon would be against God (though I mean this in a Christian sense only, as I believe that they are just another source that God has given us for help…).

How is it that God (from a christian understanding) would let you work with ANY Demons at all? And keep in mind, biblically all these things…demons, magick etc…is evil and against God.

To be clear…I’m not discounting your belief…I’m just asking questions and trying to understand how you end up working with Demons if you feel God brought you back to belief.

If not the Christian concept of God…what concept of God do you believe in?

But how is that possible if the God of the bible has made it EXPRESSLY clear that if you are to follow him you are to FORSAKE and see as EVIL and ENEMIES…EVERYTHING other than him and his teachings…including ALL OTHER GODS AND SPIRITS ETC…

Dude he was banned and will not be able to answer you anymore.

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Lol got it thanks

That’s too bad cause I really wanna know! Haha