Have you ever evoked a demon through only meditation?

Like just sit down and mediate to a enn with no sigil in your hand at any time, and listen to a enn? I’ve read a lot of stories on here, usually just drawing a sigil, but for those who just have the sigil on your phone and time to spend, has that worked for anyone?

Sometimes it even works by just calling the name and asking what you want just like praying ! I’ve read many times here that people just thought of doing a ritual with a spirit and got what they wanted before it ! It’s been happening to me a lot recently as well and I’m not even very experienced


There is no such thing as ”envoke“, it’s either invoke or evoke. Which one do you mean?

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Evoke. My apologies for the misspelling.

No worries, I corrected the title for you.


I think its very advanced to summon a god this way. I personaly use exacly the e.a system i cant focus otherwise .

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I have these problems too. My mind wanders often when I mediate. I will take the steps to learn better concentration. I figured this wasn’t a newbie thing.

I suppose you’re talking about demons you haven’t evoked before, correct?
It has happened once, but he was calling me for days prior to that. Yet he was still expecting an “official” evocation.

I’m not fond of “phone sigils” but when I need a quick access I use sigils on my phone only so I can make a “print” on my 3rd eye. Not as a point to focus on.

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