Have the Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana Become Angels of Death?

This discussion isn’t meant to be taken entirely seriously, but I’m curious about your thoughts on this phenomenon. Have the Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana become Angels of Death? If not, what have they become? With as much presence as they have had being a meme and being associated with the coronavirus, there must be a lot of energy surrounding this notion. What are your thoughts on what has become of the Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana? I hope this can spark an interesting discussion

My kids made me aware of the “coffin dance” because they play video games and whatnot…so I was interested in it and looked it up to see where it came from and how it started.

I guess it turned into a meme because someone dropped a casket, then the meme went viral and now is used for when someone dies in a game or loses or something. At least that’s what the kids say…

I honestly don’t know what to think of it. I would hope it was started as a final way to kind of celebrate the life of the deceased.

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The dance itself is used to celebrate the life of the deceased. This was what the leader of the group that went viral uses it for. I wonder though, because the meme is commonly used with the tone of a “bringer of death”, that perhaps the combined energies of the population has created something different than what was intended. I’d imagine that there are Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana running loose in the astrals as a result of the interpretation of the masses. Besides my speculation, you may find this interview with the Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana themselves interesting. I’ll leave the link to this video here in case you want to watch it. The Dancing Pallbearers of Ghana - YouTube

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Funny i was talking yesterday night with my African brother, thats now in Ghana, we spoke about a lot of things. and one of the subjects was about the expensive funerals and people loaning money to have a bigger funereal than the neighbor. My dude said that now a days the funerals are not funereal anymore but that some folks go there to fix woman and things like that


Thanks for the re-post, some words can seem offensive when used by member of other groups, whether or not intended that way.

Thank you for passing on your friend in Ghana’s ideas.