On August 15, 2018 at 1:11am I did The Invocation of the Nine Demonic Kings- Adapted by @CyberLord. I was told by Hekate that it would stretch me in my magicks. I cast an inverted Pentacle, called the elements, and read the ritual. After I was done, the whole room seemed to shift in and out of phase. I saw other dimensions shifting within as well. I am versed in psychopomping and dimension hopping, so seeing other dimensions is not an issue.
When I got done it was 3:33 am. Later that morning, my Acolyte @Eros( who was sleeping next door in my guest bedroom, told me that he saw and felt the same energies.
Later that evening when I came home from work, Both of my next door neighbors came to me and asked if everything was all right. Because their houses were affected by what I did as well.
So has anyone else been through this? I might have overstretched