I’d like to get some opinions wether my petition has been accepted or not but first some background information.
Basically, I’ve been interested in doing something like that since months but never could get the courage of doing so due to the fear of calling a demon to assist me with something I may don’t even truly want. Anyways, since I’ve had the phenomenon of seeing 666 everywhere especially on license plates (I commute daily) and totally unrelated things in videogames I decided to give it a shot and started meditating while calling to Lucifer because he’s the number one thing I associate with said number. Before I only meditated without thinking of contacting any higher being but after an recent event in life. I felt like I had to do so.
Long story short some days ago when I meditated and called for Lucifer’s help, my heart started to beat very fast while feeling an immensely amount of heat all over my body and face. It was very hot to the point where I said to myself that I have to stop because it was so overwhelming. It wasn’t a bad feeling, not at all, especially for someone who freezes easily when it gets slightly colder but this…this was just amazing, in a way, which also confirmed my decision of making a petition to him.
The next few days I just meditated and the heat wasn’t as immersive as before, in fact I kind of felt jolly and had those feelings in my stomach when you really like someone, all that while meditating to Lucifer again. I am definitely not good at receiving messages at all during meditation as this is my beginning basically but I just felt like I had to tell him some things, I apologized for making jokes about him and his race when I was still younger especially since I now come and ask him for my help.
Finally, this leads to Saturday last week when I felt like making a petition to him for the only thing I really crave for in my life: Love. I read there are specific demons and angels you could address for that rather but I had the urge to task Lucifer with that task especially since the “first contact” went so well before (at least I think it was him, I’m sure I wasn’t alone). I wrote down what I wanted in a woman and how we should meet. It really isn’t something extraordinary that I ask for regarding of that and I gave him a time frame + a time span of when I’d like to see a definitive sign of him working on my wish. In return I offered to spread his work on the internet (it seems like a bit less but I’d give him some chocolate and wine anyways). Weirdly, before I’ve read my petition on that day during meditation, when I asked if he’s present with me, my meditation music immediately stopped and the app on my phone crashed.
Anyways, since then I’ve seen a lot of signs. The repeated numbers, especially 999 appeared a lot and I had some dreams as well, one dream where I had a wardrobe full of alcoholic beverages and Toblerone chocolate (which I take as a sign that he may wishes this as an offering, which is okay for me though because it really isn’t something big) and in another dream I was buying some new clothing which I interpret as a sign that I may have to dress differently (I always wear black only) to look more “approachable”? I guess, from what I’ve read here, that demons also try to change you as well so they can make what you asked for more easier to achieve (?) Pardon for this weird sentence but there’s no way to explain it any easier to me.
The last thing, which I may interprete as the definitive sign I’ve asked for, was when in college (I attend an evening college, for adults to receive the certificate in order to study at an university), when a classmate randomly pulled out a tarot deck, which was so weird considering that this person didn’t seemed to own such stuff at all. Even she said “Do you really look at me as if I wouldn’t just randomly pull out a tarot deck?” So yeah…
Of course, I should take everything with a grain of salt but based on those occurrences, do you think that my petition got accepted?
P.s, I apologize beforehand if it’s posted in the wrong category. It’s my first time.