Has Dantalion Approved My Petition?

Hello! I just tried to reach Duke Dantalion to get a girl to fall in love with me. But I do not know how successful I have been because I am still trying to improve myself in these matters. I'm not sure if the results are positive or negative.

First, I lit a candle and some incense, then went into a trance. While in the trance, I repeated the enn for a while. During this process, my left hand was constantly warm, and my hands were shaking.

I can’t say that I got much of a result. I think I didn’t hear him. I can say that I heard a few voices in my mind, but I couldn’t be sure if it was him who was speaking.

Later, I thought I wouldn’t get a result, so I wanted to make a petition by following the instructions given in the following topic:

After these procedures, I burned the petition paper.

Later, I wanted to use tarot cards to confirm them. Here is the result:

ZAGAN - The Emperator
MARCHOSIAS - 9 of Cups < 3
SITRI - Queen of Cups
BUNE - Judgement
MARAX - 4 of Swords
THE WAND - Ace of Wands
MALPHAS - The Tower
SALEOS - 2 of Swords
ASMODAY - King of Swords
SABNOCK - Knight of Swords

I’m not very good at tarot either, so I wanted to share that too.

So is my process successful and what should I do in the future?

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I always took 9 of cups as don’t get your head too wrapped up in the clouds. However the cups could be a sign something is slowly brewing in the background. I would say go with the flow and try not to think about it too much. Cups cards are usually pretty laid-back.

By the way what tarot deck is that? I love the art!


Thank you for the answer.

Can you explain this a little more?

I’m trying to pretend this never happened lol

Goetia: Tarot in Darkness. A really interesting and beautiful deck

9 of Cups is a wish card but at the same time it could turn in to wishful thinking if you aren’t careful. If you get a date with this person it’ll feel good but it may possibly end up not what you were expecting at all kind of thing - a good result to see the card but also don’t get too comfortable kind of thing.

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I know I ask a lot of questions, but what should I pay attention to? Also, what would you suggest I do next?

I notice The Tower and King of Swords. From personal experience, King of Swords is usually a man who appears or is in my life who has a sharp tongue and can accidentally say hurtful things when someone expects a softer, empathetic delivery in communication.

It could mean one of you may need to be careful with how you say things to one another. Try to make your words more heartfelt so you both feel vulnerable with one another instead of defensive. :slight_smile:

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Okayyy. Thanks for your answers. < 3 It was really helpful

No problem! I hope everything works out well for you!