Has anyone worked with the 72 angels of Magick? What are they like, compared to working with demons?
I have worked with some of the 72, as needed. I’m more of a Cyprianic mage, so dealing with demons is kinda off my polarity. In my workings, I use a tarot called the Stairs of Gold. It has sigils for the 72 angels. When something needs to be done, I would do a spread and the angels that would be most helpful were found in the cards. Using invocations and psalms along with drawing their sigils, I could then provide my request. So far my requests have not gone unanswered.
That tarot is usually hard to find. I will say that “72 Angels of Magick” by Damon Brand is a great resource, both as an introduction and workbook.
Depending on your intentions, they will adapt. Many people have experienced their dark aspects. I have not. Others have also used the 72 angels to bind the 72 Goetic spirits as needed. In the works of Nikolai Saunders, he’s made a system that merges the Shemhamforash, Goetia, and the Enochian angels. Very interesting.
Very interesting, and thanks for the recommendations and advice. When you say “their dark aspects”, what do you mean? What have you heard?
Ever angel supposedly has a shadow side. Depending who you talk to, angels and demons are of the same species, and many have tendencies to act outside of their attributions. Some goetic spirits are beneficent, some angels are wrathful.
That’s very interesting
I have worked with them but I prefer demons. I have gotten great results with the angels and I’m currently working with one right now
Here are the links to his books, all published by FallofMan
I own the last one since it seemed like the most mature of his vision. Sadly, it turned out to be a group work book and requires 3 mages to perform the 200 page ritual. Didn’t get that impression from the interview/description. Hopefully I’ll meet 2 more to carry it out one day.
What Angels and demons do recommend for wealth or business?
I only work with the Archangels, the 72 Angels… I just found their “powers” pathetic to be honest with you. Nothing that any new age self help book can’t do. Most of their powers are emotional empowerment and “feel good” stuff… I prefer to eat broken glass than doing magick for that
I think the powers mentioned in most books about those Angels are completely wrong, made by religious people - Christian to be specific - who imagined those powers based on separating spirits to good/angels and evil/demons. And of course, the good guys only care about spiritual non-material gains because that’s exactly the Christian prospective.
Judaism, the original source where those Angles come from, doesn’t have this separation. Because for them God is the source of everything. Good and evil. Plus, he doesn’t look at material gain as evil or “from the devil” … it’s something that he encourages as reward for believers. The exact opposite of Christianity on that.
This is one of the reasons why working with Demons is more attractive, because they adopt this view even while rejecting Christianity. Strange! But maybe because there are no other sources available not written by Christians or people from Christian background.
Yes, I have worked with several of the 72. They are powerful IMO and tend to come to me in dreams. A few in particular have been very helpful when calling using the Gallery of Magick methods.
What about Archangels? What are your experiences with them and what pulls you towards them?
Archangels are completely different… each one of them is like a real God. They work fast and can truly make miracles happen. Especially Michael and Metatron.
I had to work with them because I didn’t get any impressive results from Demons, I work with Satan all the time, but he’s not a demon. I’m sure it’s probably me of course
My results with Demons so far were hit or miss, even a success of 60%+ is extremely weak in my opinion. Can’t depend on that for something important. So I’m taking a break from working with Demons now and focusing on Archangels and Jinn. Plus Satan !
I reviewed some books about the 72 Angels but I was instantly turned off by the “powers” mentioned in almost all books.They’re laughable to be honest, makes me feel that those Angels are the ones who need help, I almost felt sorry for them !!!
That’s great congratulations! May I ask, which powers they were good at ?
You might enjoy Frater Ashen’s book “Gateways Through Light and Shadow.”
Thank you so much, I will sure look for it and try to get a copy. Appreciate it
How do you personally evoke them? & which ones do you recommend? Metatron?
I use EA’s sigil opening evocation. There are several versions of the archangels mentioned in many different resources. You can choose the one who corresponds with your goal. That’s the best way to work with them. They’re not only “love and light” like most people think, they can be extremely destructive and perfect for baneful magick as well.
Metatron is great for creation or re-creation of a situation from the inside out. Reshaping reality from quantum level up to the material-physical. You can ask him anything you want.
I work with all 72 celestial messengers of the Shemhamephorash, as well as the 72 infernal intelligences and the 72 terrestrial geniuses.
Regarding archangels they are protective guardian forces well aligned with planets they are traditionally assigned. They are wonderful custodians to all of humanity. All theurgic work provides great bounty.
Not to say it doesn’t get difficult, the 72 angels even in their distorted state give great lessons and are known to help transmutate the individuals they come in contact with.
The infernal intelligences become an extension of our will, so knowing or willingness to learn to get to know the self is paramount to Goetia, at least in my experience. If you don’t know something about yourself a demon will help you get to know it.
The geniuses are fiery earthbound spirits that don’t mess around.
That’s great! can you recommend any resources-books for working with them ?
The ones I found are very ancient, plus a very good one recommended here by Zurvan
Thank you,
Honestly the way I practice is a system that is my own and extremely efficient. I started practicing Goetia at 14, I didn’t become interested in the Shemhamephorash until my late twenties after my path of self destruction ended.
I’ve been thinking about authoring a book and giving my full key to the world but I am not yet sure. I know one thing for certain this is not my first lifetime with the Goetia.