Has anyone ever successfully shifted realities here?

Has anyone done it? How did it go and how did you go about doing it?

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I’m sure it can be deliberately done, but in my experience this is the sort of thing that just “happens” to you, meaning it occurs spontaneously. Sometimes you’ll feel it before it happens, and you need to conciously “accept” it, in other instances, such as a trauma, it happens whether you like it or not.

Paradigm shifts, visualization, mandella effect, imagination, dreams, entheogens.

In a spiritual context, “shifting reality” often refers to a subjective experience of altering one’s perception or consciousness to connect with deeper spiritual insights, higher states of awareness, or different dimensions of reality.

This can be achieved through various practices such as meditation, mindfulness, prayer, rituals, tantra, yoga or shamanic journeying.

While these practices may provide individuals with profound experiences or insights, it’s important to approach them with discernment and caution.

Spiritual experiences can be deeply personal and subjective, and interpretations may vary widely among individuals. It’s essential to integrate spiritual experiences into one’s daily life in a balanced and grounded manner.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy skepticism and critical thinking skills can help individuals navigate spiritual experiences without losing touch with reality.