Hands tingly during prayer

So my hands start to tingle when praying to literally any diety I have a connection with. It could be angels or demons too. So do you guys know what’s up with my hands tingling? Or nah!

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It is a sign of energy flow.


Is it coming from me? Can it make prayers to work in some way?

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Usually it is a sign of your own energy. The hands are your most natural projectors of energy, along with your eyes, so it would be normal for them to start tingling when energy begins to build up.

Prayers do work. All it takes is the proper intention. Depending on what kind of prayer you are making, when your hands start tingling, hold them palm up and make an offering of the energy to whatever deity you are praying to. You can visualize the energy leaving your hands like a cloud or, if your Sight is activated, you might see it happen as soon as you make the intention to offer it.


Thank you :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome. i hope it was helpful :slight_smile:


Hear! Hear! Couldn’t agree more.



If you perform a search at BALG for Elhaz you’ll find material I posted on energy gathering and projection through the palms. I can’t make it any simpler and it really works - quickly.

You can also learn the power of energy projection through the eyes when you’re waiting in queues and force people to turn and look at you. It’s a lot more than filling in time. I see horns of purple (or silver) light coming from the sides of my head pointing parallel to my eyes. Whilst I focus on the back of their head I let the horns of coloured light send the signal. And learning to do this doesn’t take all that long. Just have fun!


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