To make it brief, I understood that qlipothic entities will rather manifest in dreams or address you during ritual and meditation rather than make the effort of moving stuff around you, seeing how they come from a layer of reality that is a reflection of human psyche and cosmic forces.
Had one of my guns fire at me from the inside of my wardrobe where it shouldn’t even be there to begin with.
All I did was read the free chapter of Asenath Mason’s “Tunnels of Set” and the phenomena began little after, with no rite or effort from my behalf other than skimming through and going about my day.
Any thoughts on this or similar experiences? You can read about it in detail on my blog (check my profile) but I’ve already posted what matters, I don’t want to plonk all the other texts here
That sounds pretty insane, especially the gun thing. Not sure what spirits you’re dealing with but it sounds dangerous. I’ve never had spirits manifest in this way. Usually they have more of a mental effect on me with the most external manifestations being knocks on the walls or shadows around me. Maybe do a banishing ritual?
Already did and communicated with the spirit, who was urging me to explore the qlipothic tradition and such, but I explained my personal circumstances on why it is not the right time. I want to explore but it would take an investment I cannot make now, schedule is even more frightening than anything in the Abyss.
Thank you for the suggestion!
Thing is, I do not believe this is a display of raw power from the spirit. All what it did had a playful tone to it despite the gun incident, which was just unexpected. It is a signalling gun after all, it only fires blanks.
You need to set some boundaries with this spirit if you want to work with it. Otherwise I’d recommend banishing it even if the weapon does only fire blanks, as someone who owns guns I can tell you that even a weapon that’s only firing blanks can still be dangerous since it’s still going to release hot gases when it fires and you don’t want to be close to the muzzle when that happens.
Thanks again bro! I’ve done the exorcisms again and all was good until a night ago where I was listening Koetting’s vid on manifestation elixirs, and when I doubted of the validity a bottle of water made a popping noise and rolled off my bedside table.
As for the gun, I’ll explain why I wasn’t worried. Though what you say is true this blank gun I got it’s a Derringer model that does not expel gases from the front but rather the topside, because you aren’t really using proper blank rounds, but rather these thingies called Flobert rounds (at least where I’m from). I think you Americans call them “rimfire”, it’s the same system as the .22 ammo:
The other reason I was not initially worried is because the gun shot by itself from the inside of my walk-in closet, when it was shut. The doors are ridiculously thick and heavy too! What only bothers me is how the gun was not where I had left it, how it rested atop a pair of folded jeans and was pointed at me (resting on the side).
That’s very interesting, and its only my intuitive opinion, what I’m getting through intuition tells me that it’s not from either the free chapter or the video, but rather a spirit of someone deceased, whom you may or may not have known that was quite religious and took offence to it.
As I said though that’s only my intuitive opinion.
Funnily enough, I was visited by a judgmental old man in my dreams. Though he spoke no discerning words it was something about my sorcerous ways not being the right path.
I wished I could have replied by demanding he gets a second opinion seeing how he is now dead and exposed to a reality way different than the living religious person, right? Instead I just called on Azrael and asked He shows him the door.
Though the spirit accosting me was another one, you were dead right on being bothered by a dead guy. Spot on, lad!
Thanks for the update, that feeling came though pretty strong, even if it was a different spirit.
Well by rights they should know a different reality, unless of course they are attached to the living or refusing to move on from the living, in which they tend to continue as if they never left the living plain of reality. (In my experience anyway).
Calling on Azrael is a good move, hopefully he moves on now and you can get on with your life as you choose.