Guinnea pigs?

I need a test monkey for healing magick, is anyone interested? It’s completely free the only thing I need is any proof of manifestation of said magick.Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance

I’m game what do you need?

I’m game what do you need?[/quote]
My plan is to use healing magick in general and as well as manifest opportunities through candle magick (no curses or attacks towards you will be employed) all I need you to do is to tell me when they manifest and how.

So would you be up for it telgega?

sure thing

sure thing[/quote]
Thank you

Now there are alot of people on the forum requesting healing. My quoted is getting a bit full, I say we tag team this thing. I’ll point some folks your way. then you can get some practice in

I wouldn’t mind being a guinea pig for this :slight_smile:

perfect that makes two

If you still looking for test subjects …I can also try.

Got tooth pain. Heal it.

Whatcha need? Name, picture, DNA?


[quote=“Dioskouri, post:11, topic:9048”]Got tooth pain. Heal it.

Whatcha need? Name, picture, DNA?[/quote]

this your mid to back left lower teeth?

[quote=“telgega, post:13, topic:9048”][quote=“Dioskouri, post:11, topic:9048”]Got tooth pain. Heal it.

Whatcha need? Name, picture, DNA?[/quote]

this your mid to back left lower teeth?[/quote]

The furthest back tooth on the lower left side.

ill be starting the spells today (im hella busy). be ready to tell me any manifestations.

[quote=“Dioskouri, post:14, topic:9048”][quote=“telgega, post:13, topic:9048”][quote=“Dioskouri, post:11, topic:9048”]Got tooth pain. Heal it.

Whatcha need? Name, picture, DNA?[/quote]

this your mid to back left lower teeth?[/quote]

The furthest back tooth on the lower left side.[/quote]

Minor tooth decay. Reduce your intake of oaks and grains. Increase your intake of calcium magnesium and vitamin d

Cod fish liver oil is good for this

[quote=“telgega, post:16, topic:9048”][quote=“Dioskouri, post:14, topic:9048”][quote=“telgega, post:13, topic:9048”][quote=“Dioskouri, post:11, topic:9048”]Got tooth pain. Heal it.

Whatcha need? Name, picture, DNA?[/quote]

this your mid to back left lower teeth?[/quote]

The furthest back tooth on the lower left side.[/quote]

Minor tooth decay. Reduce your intake of oaks and grains. Increase your intake of calcium magnesium and vitamin d

Cod fish liver oil is good for this[/quote]

Been doing that, minus the fish oil. I’ll pick some up. I got a surgery scheduled in March. Pain’s been flaring back up while I wait for that. I don’t know much about healing magick, or if it can even quell this type of pain.