Growing your Incubus/Succubus Relationship

This was originally gonna be a PM to @succupedia but it got too long then I figured I’d just make it a post. @dagar may want to comment on this too cause you also have an incubus and were unsure on things.

I napped for a few hours before work tonight and my incubus was touching me again. I’d been cuddling with him in bed prior and imagined pushing my love energy into him, which he seemed to respond well to. The touching was sexual, but only in a foreplayish way.

I woke a few times throughout the nap due to a lot of pain. In these states I’m hypersensitive so the elastic of my pants while barely noticeable when awake felt excruciating. And although I have no back pain while awake, I suppose my back gets mildly sore from bending over at work, like very mildly, and yet it is quite painful in these hypersensitive sleep states. My incubus has communicated to me in the past that he wants me to sleep naked, and I can see why now, but it’s winter and even with a heap of blankets and the heater I reckon I’d still get sick. The new house I’m at is quite cold.

I’ve not had a penetrative sex dream with my incubus since the early days of our relationship, and I know that happens to many people on here. I reckon he has been working on making my body more sensitive. I felt him pulling my arm and moving it around. I’d imagine that my pain, and the subconscious fear that I’m a little ashamed to admit is still in there somewhere (probably due to religion) could be a mood-killer for my incubus? Since they’re not always sexual. I reckon frustrations must be that people want a fully satisfying interactive relationship with their incubus/succubus without fully delving into psychic growth, which seems to be achieved through inner work (emotional unblocking).

Mistrust makes a relationship hard, @dagar you were wondering if your incubus was just a thoughtform and sometimes I worry that it’s not my incubus touching me in these scenarios but maybe an imp, and I’ve had dreams reaffirming this fear.

Communication can be a problem with these beings in the sense that they can go quiet and distant. And it becomes a bit of a puzzle for the magician to figure out why. I think people struggle to apply what they know about normal relationships to incubi/succubi relationships and maybe it looks like laziness to the incubus/succubus. I straight-up find it confusing at times. But maybe it’s not. I have become a lot more psychic just by removing inner emotional blockages, working on myself. Is that the key? Is that the compulsory requirement to enjoying an incubus/succubus relationship? It seems so.

Things were distant for a while with my incubus, and I can take the blame for that, but now we are very close. And getting closer as I become more psychic. Before my nap I tried lying down and focusing on my incubus to come and initiate the interaction, without masturbating like @succupedia said in a post. But my mind ended up wandering, and I kept my clothes on. I have been doing silent meditations to increase focus and remove mind clutter, I need to keep that up daily it seems. Cause as things stand, the mind clutter appears to be my biggest obstacle right now to communication with entities and most likely interacting with my own incubus.


You know that you can initiate without having sexual intent, right?

My advice to you is not to focus on your incubus, per se, but more on your senses within your head/crown chakra. When you feel light physical pressure on your head - sometimes with a feeling of having a winters cap or a hat on your head - , invisible hands caressing your hair and swirling energies bouncing on your head, that’s were you can start giving him your attention.

It doesn’t have to be a problem because of silence. There’s a lot of communication with a mere presence, because there’s bodylanguage and emotions to add to the spectrum of correspondence. You can get the message of a mime artist, and there’s a lot of similarities to how a succubus and incubus can use gestures that we can understand.

The deeper the connection is between them and us, the easier it becomes to decipher their physical presence.


I’ve always had sensations of someone playing with my hair, and I figured it must’ve been angels cause this is all the way back when I was a young teenager and Christian. And right now I have that feeling that there’s a cap on my head. And since I was a young teenager I’ve also often felt impressions of a crown on my head.

By silence I meant to say absence. Plenty of people who consider their relationships with incubi/succubi not going well often say it’s cause their incubus/succubus is distant. In my case my incubus was unhappy that I hadn’t been giving him enough attention.

Thanks for replying!

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I feel him right now as usual, that warm sunburny feeling to my left side, cause we are regularly hugging.

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Acknowledge it. Lean against it. The more you interact with their physical touches, the deeper the bond between the both of you grows.

We exist by others through acknowledge, and the same fundamentals apply to spirits.