Growing under Mammon's sigil

Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with growing plants under a painting of Mammon’s sigil!

The star of the show is my basil, this basil has prospered and I have harvested from it several times already. This has got to be the most fragrant full and tasty basil Ive ever grown.

I also I’m going three tomato plants, one of which seems to be outgrowing the other two, I really look forward to all of the delicious tomatoes!

I also have a catnip plant that was pupped from the plant I call my zombie catnip. It’s a catnip plant that died and I asked Koler to bring it back and he did. Since then I have propagated many catnip plants from that and they have all been very very bountiful!

I did notice in comparison that the plants under Mammon’s sigil are growing far bigger than the others! Especially the basil! Thanks and praise be to Mammon!!!


I would never have thought of Mammon for doing this. But hey, if its working, its working. I think there are many other spirits and deities that would function to aid the growth of your garden even further. Try looking for fertility Gods/Goddesses, or those associated with bountiful harvests.

The point of these experiments is to show how while yes certain beings and dieties are known for certain things, they are not confined to just that. The possibilities are limitless and I am attempting to see just what things they can excell at besides what they are known for.

Mammon for instance has helped my rat breeding business and my other financial ventures become successful (Belial also helped with my business to be fair), but I also have had him assisting in the growth of my plants, I asked him to help me find like minded friends, in this town since I’m new here, and assist me in learning a new language.

So far he has expedited everything except the language learning, which to be fair in any working you get what you put in and I haven’t had much time for sitting down and learning Spanish.

I plan to do similar experiments with dieties like Belial, Lilith, Loki and Asmodeus. With their agreement of course.

I got this idea when I realized that ppl think that Succubi/Incubi only deal in sex magics. I know first hand that they are capable of so much more, and so I started to realize that humans have boxed off possibilities by labeling dieties and entities into what they are “good at” and that seemed so limiting. I might make these experiments their own little blog, not sure yet.

We do limit what demons can do. But it must also be noted that some demons have specialties and while they can do something, that doesn’t necessarily mean they want to.

I don’t recall who it was that summoned a spirit recently, but upon the summoner asking them to do something outside of their office they replied, “You do know there are other demons for a reason don’t you?”. In other words the best spirits for the job are generally just that, the best for a reason.

I do have a rose bush I planted in honor of Lilith this year. I bought it at the nursery sometime in March and now it is really gorgeous and healthy. I would almost go so far as to say flawless if not for a few holes damaged by insects. Otherwise it is immaculate and has no traces of disease or any other issues. I do have a green thumb, but this may in fact be Lilith’s influence to a degree ensuring my offering and gift to her is as stunning as possible.


Wow, what a super creative idea! I absolutely love plants, and I’ve had experiences with indoor ivy that grew rapidly and luxuriantly beneath Hekate’s picture (whom people often associate with plants) on her altar.

I know that chants work wonders when planting a new plant, and simply talking to and connecting with the plant can be beneficial, too.

But, I must admit, I’ve never really considered Mammon as someone to involve with plants… How intriguing! I’ll definitely dedicate more time to exploring this idea. :+1:


I get what you mean, and that is why I will only do these experiments if the beings agree to do them, I understand what you mean, but I also want to expand on stuff.

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