Grounding key, Self -massage and other tips for any kundalini session

GROUNDING : Breathing deeply, become aware of you root center (Muladhara Chakra, located at the tailbone) and the soles of your feet (the minor chakras). Visualize and feel that you have roots, like a tree, spreading from the soles of your feet and from your Muladhara Chakra, 15 feet deep into the Earth. Feel the roots spread both wide and deep, and spread into branches like the roots of a big tree. Feel yourself more solid physically.

Feel yourself strong.

Make your intent clear by saying mentally “ I AM ROOTED TO MOTHER

The Tibetans actually bless the Earth; you can try this as well by saying “ I bless Mother Earth with Divine Strength and with Divine Healing. I AM ROOTED TO MOTHER EARTH. I AM STRONG AND POWERFUL LIKE THE EARTH. Say this prayer and watch your roots grow into the Earth. Exhale out through your roots.

Repeat the technique a few times. Attain the attitude of being rooted. Rooting is a very
secret yet simple technique practiced by highly evolved martial artists and
Tibetan Monks.

It is very common in Tibetan practices of Yoga and in Qi Gong.

You should root anytime you feel insecure, sick, dizzy light headed, flakey, weak or mentally disturbed. This technique prevents chi sickness and kundalini Syndrome. It strengthens your Muladhara Chakra and your over-all physical body strength. The Chinese and the Tibetans say that if you are rooted to the Earth you are always healthy and prosperous, and are as strong as 10 men.

SELF-MASSAGE - Avoid energy stagnation

Always massage the body before and after each practice session. Start by rubbing
the palms together until heat is produced. Then follow with the face, ears. Scalp,
arms, upper torso, legs, feet, and end by rubbing your belly till it is nice and warm.
Michael Denney gives a good massage exercise like this one at the end of celestial nei kung session.

This helps you to remove stagnant prana / chi, and will assist you in assimilating and
distributing energy through out your physical body, chakras, and nadis / meridians.
You will find that this simple exercise will produce a strong glow in your aura and
will increase the health of your blood, lymphatic system, and the beauty of the skin…

CENTER YOURSELF - Always begin your sessions with a moment of silence, and the awareness of your inner self. This is done by focusing on your Heart Chakra (at the
center of the chest) (ANAHATA) and by simultaneously focusing on your Crown
Chakra (Sahashrara). No matter how you call this core self this is the exercise to activate it.

Simply smile internally at your self and at your heart and crown centers. Feel yourself immersed in the pure joy of being. Let that feeling radiate through out your entire body. If you have difficulty in feeling this, think of the best orgasm you have ever had, and run that feeling throughout your entire being. This is similar to the Taoist practice of the “secret smile” or “inner smile”. It’s a simplified version. This simple technique is a big secret in the practices of RAJA and JNANA YOGA.

So at the end of your session try to apply these steps and see the difference for yourself.


Good stuff