Ground and shield

How does one shield and ground themselves? Just want to protect myself in case of mean entities or just people

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Energy work. Shielding is basically just manipulating energy using sensory input and intention. Grounding is the same.


There are many methods.

The “”“”““traditionnal””“”“”" shielding way is basically using visualisation, intent and energy to create a bubble around you.

Grounding is balancing your energy. A lot of techniques agree to visualise yourself as a tree, draining earth power and sky powers at the same time, creating a current of energy reaching upn the sky and on the earth at the same time.

To be efficient, those methods needs to be done frequently with strong intent. It’s impossible to filter all the parasites or psychic attacks you may receive.

You can add another layer and program a stone/cristal to be your grounding stone.

You can also also enchant an object to be protective.


Heres a Link to one of my older posts on creating a shield that you might find useful.

Shielding & Protection