Greetings Peace and Power My intro

I have known about E A become a living god platform was even subscribe to emails. I am in my 30s An individual who has always appreciated magick ,metaphysics and alot things esoteric. I have experiences that seemed supernatural and just on awhole another , some through breathing , shrooming etc… I have done a few spells or rituals in my life and I feel this a path i am suppose to explore on alot of levels Magick, self development , shaman journeys etc. I have traditions with In ATR currents but have read about this subject from all walks of life… I came across Kendall Conner on youtube and it brought me here again. I decided i want to be apart of this forum. It seems like there is alot good spirits and spuls on here I admire and appreciate that… Look forward to learning and growing putting some rituals steps techniques sigils all that is beneficial for me and the great good of all into practice. I thankh you for the platform and look forward to connecting… Always believed in different beings creatures and have been fortunate to see a few… Alot needs to be cultivated with me so i am for this journey desire all the hest to every one theres .Peace Divine Fire ,Divine Self Love and divine power be with yous P.s. i believe you are free to choose your path black white grey agreeable disagreeable… does not matter Spirit Sous growth and elevation self realization self actualization is important and the Goal


Welcome to the forum!

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Wow that’s such a great intro welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!

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I appreciate you thankh you Xag you have some useful insight shares i look forward to diving in more of your threads.

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Thankh you Angel i appreciate you. I most certainly will. Theres plethora of useful information and knowledge here. Have a great one.

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Thanks very much!!

Welcome to the forum

Awww Thank you, you as well!