Greetings, I am a new member

Greetings, I am Emma and have been interested in magic and the LHP for a few years. I am very spiritual, I love anything to do with nature and I am very interested in the Goetic spirits and I work with a few of them too. I look forward to learning more and I love reading people’s experiences.

My psychic abilities are good, my astral senses are great and I did astral projection twice. I am glad I have joined BALG because before, on YouTube I came across E.A. Koetting’s YouTube channel and I watched some videos and they were very interesting, now I enjoy and look forward to watching more videos! I would like to learn Tarot because it sounds interesting and it has been on my mind for a few days.

I look forward to meeting people and learning more, thank you for reading :smiley:



What do you practice, and how long have you practiced it? You haven’t really given any details as to what, exactly, you do.

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I hope you find the resources to learn lots of new stuff. I’m quite fond of the Goetic spirits too. Which one’s your favorite to work with?

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I pracriced spells before (watched YouTube videos and joined Amino communities), I practiced and learned how to evoke spirits and so far have been successful.I have more interest in wanting to practice tarot but haven’t practiced a lot because there is a lot going on and I haven’t had the time (college and personal things)

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King Paimon and King Azazel are my favourite, yours?

Astraroth and Gremory

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Welcome :blush:

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