Got myself a Druid-staff

Hey there. Im still pretty new here and to the craft but i got myself a staff to work with. It is made from erlwood, inscribed with dagaz as a protection rune and tipped with obsidian. It was searched for and made by a druid in austria before charging it in a ritual on the new moon then laid to rest for a few days before i got it. Not sure about its effects yet because i got it just 2 days ago. Just wanted to share / hear what you think.
It is about 1,90m long so it is as tall as me.


That’s dope! It looks really neat and well crafted to a nice height imo. You are one tall man haha. Check out my wand. Regularly charge him. Great circle caster :slight_smile:


Nice druid staff!! Really like it

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I guess it doesn’t really matter but aren’t those typically called Stang’s? Or is that for shamans?

great staff - not so sure dagaz would protect. better using oghams imo - Elder itself is a magickal protector.

Heres some folklore.

“Elder Tree Magical Meaning. Always connected with the female deities, with witches, fairy folk, protection and guardianship. The Elder Mother or wise-woman is said to take shelter amongst the roots of the tree and protects the land. In Pagan folklore, it is sometimes called the Judas tree. Elda Mor is a good goddess to petition whenever there is sickness, especially in children. As a Goddess tree, it is associated with the triple goddess, the totem animal bat, witches, and wizards and it was also said to have been used for a broomstick on which to travel to the astral. Because of its powerful magical qualities, it was also said to have been used by Druids to shape-shift.”



They called it protection rune. They offered fehu but i said i wanted dagaz. I think I could have used oghams but am not that learned about them yet. I thought dagaz could help with growth in magic. Im not that good in sensing things at all yet and wanted a bit of help in that regard. I am also interested in nordic shamanism and because of that i thought it would be a nice mix here.

@SITHISIT i think that would be forked staffs but am not sure.


Dagaz helps with transitions so why not? Depends on how you look at it

Transitioning from this realm into the next

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That kind of sounds like it will be used to club me to death xD

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Lol didn’t think about it that way

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@anon2593031 dagaz represents weapons specifically dagger that where we get the name dagger from. But it can mean any kind of weapon or warfare.

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These opinions all make sense to me.
Obsidian and Dagaz on a white staff say to me, dark tricky ash and bone magic.

Dagaz is a good rune for the active kind of personal protection. Nature magic has sharper teeth as the enemy gets closer to home.

Erlwood? I’m not familiar with that. My searches are hitting companies and fruit tree sellers in Australia. Is it softwood? Coniferous? Deciduous? Hardwood? Softwood? Does it produce fruit? Please describe it. It sounds pretty cool. Pics even (or until i find a god search hit).

Transition sounds fine.i have a apple or plumtree staff. Looks like a pair of huge sabre cat fangs stained black. Wonder where it went.

Using this site atm

Lordy… that was over a year ago. Doh!

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Beautiful! I need to step up my game and stop using a rubber mallet (for setting wood flooring in place) as a wand. It was the only thing I had around and it stuck with me, I swear!