Google Play logo and Lucifer’s sigil

Anyone notice how the 2012-2016 Google Play logo looks similar to the top part of Lucifer’s sigil when you rotate it?


It’s just a common shape. It means nothing.

This is called pattern recognition and it is a natural function of your brain. You make note of a shape and your brain then extrapolates from memory to fill in the gaps. It’s why you can recognize a friend even with their face covered and why some people see the face of Jesus in a piece of burned toast.

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Yeah, I guess I went overboard; when i saw the similarity, it stuck with me.

No worries. You’re human just like the rest of us (no offense lol). We all have a tendency to see what we want to see and when we’re excited about something our brain will see it everywhere. There is a similarity to the shapes for sure, but it is a very large leap of logic to conclude that it is supposed to be Lucifer’s seal.


Well, I was going for more of a coincidence of the logo to the top half of Lucifer’s sigil, but at no point did I think they were the same or that Lucifer was influencing Google’s design of the logo.

That’s Lucifers sigil specifically for Lucifer in Asia.

The book Lucifer and the Hidden Demons explains precisely why that sigil was picked by the church of Satan and other groups decades ago because it looked like a clean logo compared to the massive whole sigil that looks like a mess of doodles.

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I never knew that; thanks for the info.

I remember reading that and being so confused.

Like as soon as you enter a certain territory the sigil changes? We’re all all humans dealing with similar operating systems.

Plenty of people have gotten use out of the “Asian” version of the sigil.

Imo whichever you connect with is the correct sigil, regardless of region.

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It is pretty close…

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I don’t how true these memes are, but it’s interesting thought?

Just interesting side note:


All interesting. I’ve seen the top picture before.
I’ve also seen a pic regarding Lucifer’s sigil in this post:


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Well the whole sigil is this.


To my mind this is more than a mere coincidence and another magickal forum there was a thread with a ton of known brands with logos and taglines that were clearly influenced by the occult.

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Wow. I didn’t know the full sigil looked like that. I can see why it was simplified down.

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Yes that features the “European” and “Asian” sigils as well as the sigil of Claunek at the bottom.

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Thanks for the info. After the fact I recognize Clauneck’s sigil at the bottom.

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