Good reasons 4 all to push your spiritual skills to the max

Once more there is not nothing happening that is not at the doing of humanity itself and their own actions. There is no big plot to enslave humanity. What would be the point when such creatures could easily engineer their own servants beyond that of pride and revenge for past wrongs. These beings are no worse than humanity itself that brings this onto themselves. Quite simply if humanity cannot pass their trials and let go of their savagery then they deserve whatever fate they get. Natural selection removing a species unworthy of continued existence to clear the way for something better. You see things only on the small scale the plots that are more bound to local politics and issues than true play of cycles on the large scale. This is no different than Christians blaming Satan and not the natural desires of man taken to an inappropriate extreme.
The eating of others, the slaughter, the enslavement it is all by human hands or localized incidents of natural predators following their instincts or by beings who are born from the morass of human thought and emotions. From my view you have a very limited single dimensional view of the matter and of existence as a whole. So I will for politeness sake cease to publicly debate or respond to this as my nature is to be rather fierce and merciless in debates. Now if you wish to seek further debate or try to understand and learn of my angle of perception for yourself so that you can judge it against your own then you can take it to private messages. Though I must warn you going to far in my methods of perception can likely be very destabilizing for some as it reflects many percieved truths.


Important to know is that

The end goal of these beings is to kill and enslave humanity, and they are already doing so and have done nothing else so far, in the thousands of years they are here.

They don’t have benevolent intentions towards humanity.
The end goal is mass enslavement rather than mass liberation.
The wars, conflict, death, division, social collective fears, they enforce them.

To make beings more like them and less like humans is their goal as well.
They hate humanity and do not want them to prosper, which is beside their own words the conclusion that can be taken if you search.

The enslaved new world order is their plan.
They use humans as cattle, engineered p.d. rings, eat babies, humans,
do magick themselves too, corrupt humanity and human beings…;

But you can find more when looking up new world order and death for example, together…;
Beside getting well informed, generally conclusions lead one to make fully sure that the final result is the survival of the human race. Also E.A. is aware of those enslavers world wide…; I noticed in listening to some of his interviews and old personal videos on the yt channel.

I’ll gladly address the greater perception here as well.
I’m sure you’ll find elements that correlate to or incorporate elements of what you wanted to convey.

I’m not too much about theory myself, just about personal gnosis, gnosis in general, and the facts as they are, which helps avoid deluding myself.

about these other beings, I guess the safest assumptions might be to look at what’s already been going on so far and what direction it’s been progressing to.

I only look at the facts and what’s being happening so far, rather than any theory that even I myself would like to be or guessing work, The reason why I state this is because they have been doing exactly that and, it’s up to humanity to stand up for itself as living gods, and stick together as well. There’s a bigger plan here indeed. It is about self-mastery, surely, because the very mechanics of the cosmos are all about cosmic mastership at large.
It teaches greater discernment, and pushes us to awaken to our own godhood as a solution to the problem, it pushes us to evolve, which is what is happening in us here, but also in the world at large. People like Putin and Trump know about them and are already fighting them, both these beings as those of the global elite, since quite some time now.

It is a known fact that the global system has core implementations controlled by a global elite that is lead by these beings, and their actions so far have only been towards the mass enslavement, mass death, keeping everyone as spiritually, mentally as sleepy as possible, for over thousands of years. They are in positions of power, they hate human beings, look down on them, see them as cattle to do whatever they wish with… and have plans to terminate the human race, ultimately, and dehumanize humanity completely, as they are already successfully doing so. All fact based, based on their known plans, which aren’t too much of a secret anymore, and they actions, which leaves zero percent of any theory I might add from myself, or even personal interpretation, only the facts and known information, shared by them and made public, generally by people that have worked with them or for them.

In all my rituals with Lucifer, demons, angels, the Source, and observing things from that perspective - waking up, and having me notice how humanity is evolving to
unify as One and to thrive are core elements that came to the surface for example.

More questions came up as well as a result of these like the question of how much do you care about the life of others, and the value of life itself and how much are you willing to invest in the world you ultimately have to live in yourself? The answer would then ultimately be
all of myself, all of my heart, all of my soul, everything I am and everything I can, giving it one’s all, one’s everything, which deeply pushes evolution one oneself and life as a whole - starting from the most basic need to survive (the root chakra) all the way up to the heart
chakra and beyond… ultimately going through all 7 chakras included as 7 fundamental steps of growth towards personal and human evolution. They are also related to how evolution in general, purely mechanically spoken has been heading towards…continual growth.

In all of my observance of the mechanics of existence even here on this planet, without adding any theory or guessing, everything I acquired through gnosis and interaction with the cosmos, surrendering to it, and interactions with several lifeforms, thus indeed including the Source, lead me to these conclusions- that we are here to awaken, and that these external challenges can be overcome by us, and sure there is help indeed, whenever needed, both assisting and self-empowering.

A post was split to a new topic: Making this a PM

Too much V and bad John Travolta movies there buddy. So you’re saying the naga, the ophidians, and many other kin are just out to get ALL of mankind?

If they are so greatly technologically advanced then weak minded and bodied masses of humans is far too much effort to put into for paltry return. And if they were into control they’d be going after leaders to change policies on the planet and save it. I doubt they want a polluted, war torn shit planet that produces nothing but death and waste.

If you haven’t noticed the ratio of relatively perfect classes planets isn’t great. Let’s use the Star Trek classification for ease.

And if they did want humans dead? Does it look like we are CARETAKING this jewel of life and maintaining it a spiritual and ecologically sound way?


At worse I live to maybe 130 yo (another fucking 86 years … huzzah … bleh). What the fuck do I care one way or another when dead? You think I’ll incarnate back? FUCK NO! I never asked to exist and I never gave permission to make me exist (grand paradox of self actualization)

And don’t give me this love vibration shit. The reality is created from pain, growth, and ever evolving and changing reality of the physical, temporal, spatial, and existential base foundations that could be seen as chaos, organized chaos, or a direct blue print put to motion. Maybe massive butterfly effect eh who knows and who cares?


Work on self and your paradigm.


important to know is that they are not here to seek revenge, they hate humanity because they want the planet for themselves and want -any- other race to submit. Their purpose is to serve evil and vice for a ‘greater purpose’ of theirs. It is not because humanity has done something to them before that. Humanity includes you too, dear friend, so what are we going to do about it. It’s very clear- they want you dead, and they are killing humans for being a human being, not per se for what they have done. All the mess on the planet has been consciously led into detrimental directions by them, as they control finances, the governments etc…and the world since a long long time. They know they are solutions to the mess and they are the ones that kept this world so low.

“One thing is sure, if you’re human, they want you dead and they are killing humans since a long long long time, and they’re not going to stop because you ask them nicely” - I am talking about things that are already happening, since a very very long time, factual things.

Self-responsibility is an obvious fact, but that is not enough.

I wish I had better news - but the best news is when we did what is necessary to stop this.

Beside all the theory and speculations, I intended to post this thread as action.
There are reptilians on this planet that own humanity and are pushing agendas through economy, politics, even religions to enslave humanity. Now my immediate concern is- what are we going to do about it, here and now?

Taking responsibility for ourselves is one thing, though taking responsibility for life on this planet, is also, as souls, an obvious necessity. Freshly dead humans are being eaten on battlefields by repitilians,
eat babies, do blood sacrifices with them, enslave humanity, control the music industry , and plan on killing billions of people. Now, my message rather here is, what are we going to do about it, as even doing my yoga every morning is not going to stop them from doing what they do…; they don’t give a rats ass about human life and the world looks ‘exactly’ as they planned to make it look so far, including all the wars you see… That’s how far we’ve let it come…;

Either we defend ourselves and fight, be it through magick or we die…

One of E.A.'s last videos titles referring to Azazel was titled
“Wake up or die in your sleep” … that’s the choice…;

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Yeah. I’m sorry I really don’t want to debate and get into this further. We have entirely different beliefs, experiences, and knowledge in these regards to the point I don’t really see it coming to much of a good resolution at this moment without ill feelings or possibly worse given my beliefs are likely very antagonistic towards yours by their base nature. If you want to talk about something not related to this that is fine and I am good for that but I don’t think really going into what I would call conspiracy theory territory that my experiences directly contradict is a good idea. I would also recommend once you have your group assembled maybe you take it more to private chats since I am sure there are many others here that would favor the reptilians over humanity and having your war plans out in the open where anyone from the general public can see is just not wise and this all too easily can go political given your ideas of what they are involved in.

My point is the following
One of the last messages referring to this perfectly is this, from Azazel:
“Wake up or die in your sleep”

in short my point is that I am talking about what has already happened and is happening now not trying to push any theory or guessing work, which is not really the basis of my reason why I am sharing this, nor to aim to prove anything because I hope to be right, as reality speaks for itself -

They kill humans because they are human, and so are you. It’s not because you are going to be nice to them that they will spare your life. I am talking about -illuminati- 13 bloodlines related reptilians, who serve that faction, still to this day. There’s plenty of reports that that’s what they do, so I wouldn’t be giving yourself any ideas, because they kill off humanity on a daily basis, simply because of being human indeed, nothing more. Blood sacrifice, pedophilia, …;

About that situation, it will not do any good in the end if nothing is being done about it -
the thing is this: what are we going to -do about it- because all the talk we can do about it would still get us all killed or worse. Those beings are in the cosmos because they want to enslave as much beings as they can, and we happen to be in their radar, regardless of what responsibility humanity has to take in waking up - it’s your doorstep they will end up at, and there’s no-one but yourself that will be able to defend yourself if they ever do show up - they are faster than humans in general. The real issue is that they want to kill you, me and everything that is human, no matter how much we theorize about them or do our yoga every morning working on ourselves. It’s kill or be killed…they want the planet and they will have it for themselves, if we ourselves as individuals don’t do anything about it. Pointing the finger towards who’s responsible or has responsibility to take won’t save your life when they show up, and they want everyone dead, and are moving up that way- according to actual reports they want to push world war 3 and mass killings in order to control humanity better, towards termination.

Once again your beliefs of what is happening and what has happened are completely different from mine and from my view and what I have experienced fall more into theory than fact so please leave me out of this now.

I guess you’ve missed out on these particular beings then…; it’s about conspiracy facts, it’s never been about theories on my part, everything I mentioned has already been verified, and can be verified by absolutely anyone looking up these facts or doing astral soul-travel or ask any spirit that knows about the subject about “what’s going on and why” Even Lucifer wants us to defend ourselves against these guys, that says enough…;

They are not here to be friends and have never been, and never will as long as they serve those 13 illuminati bloodlines wholeheartedly - regardless of how spiritually advances you may believe yourself to be. It absolutely matters not-they want you dead as a human, even if you would serve them -which I don’t recommend, because it would end up bad eitherway…;by default, it’s their plan for humanity at large.
They use human shapes to serve their purpose here, but are not human.

I got this from reports and soul/astral travel and live communication…; If you don’t know about the illuminati bloodlines and who really rules the planet, I guess you’ve still got lots of investigation to do, because it’s nothing new- now if you really insist on how ‘friendly’ they are- and what they are doing and indeed have done with humanity at large so far, to their detriment so far - it’s not the factual reports that are missing.

…; It’s definitely not that there’s any evidence missing here, even without the astral travel. It’s by design that the world is a messed up place. Now you may have some experience, but that doesn’t mean that one comes to a point where one knows everything about everything in existence… however that there’s something messed up about this planet is obvious, and if you look deeper, you’ll see with your own eyes what’s going on…and others did and report on it…;

I guess you’ve missed out on a lot then, if that is your conclusion…because none of what I say i based in theory, I actually did talk to other beings about this too, all of it.

The enslaved world you live in now is their exact agenda for humanity they kill off every single day, everything I mentioned is documented by people that work for governments,I have talked to benevolent reptilians too btw, but it’s definitely not them… maybe you should try astral travel and see what’s really going on here and there in the world, it confirms everything I mentioned - I prefer to have a planet I can walk on without anything trying to kill me because of being human…; so I definitely will make sure humanity thrives, not that I am the only one doing this, but if none were, there wouldn’t be much life left on this planet, because of the illuminati bloodlines they are a part of.

For example, this is fact, not fiction nor theory:

The “Queen” is a known pedophile and child molester… for example; FACT, not theory, look who really rules the planet for now…; head of pedophile child molesting rings, that’s how friendly they are to humanity…; they create wars, virusses, poison food globally…those are facts, and there’s thousands of factual reports on that, and any spirit that is on your side will be happy to tell you about what’s going on if you ask them…;

I know we can’t bring up politics but valid point if you look at what the leaders are suggesting. Just USA alone is a president want to be elect suggesting abortion with NO limits. The I terviewr couldn’t elaborate or content would be cut but NO LIMITS means anyone, any age, any where in USA could be ABORTED!

Might be reptilians … at least of the brain or whatever disease mind they have. M sped up shit but I see the world dying. They lie and say the world can easily support 14-20 billion for a thousand years.

What insects?
What fish?
What plants?
The air?
The water?
Raped earth?

Think it’s odd when miners mine that there’s a shitload of toxic substance esp when they flood the mine. Maybe earth mother is alive and those are infected wounds.

I used to have a hearty brush of Scott’s broom infiltrate my field. I turned it into hedge. It’s now in less than a year crumbling dead and lifeless dry to a husk. The trees are dying, the grasses barely grow, little to no insects… animals are sick, and we’re all tired. Dunno wtf. Air vibrations 5g, spraying? Dunno.

I said DEAD WORLD. And it’s going to get deader and crazier. Don’t matter if angels, aliens, gods, demons run smock… THIS FUCKING WORLD’S LIFE IS GOING TO DIE! Have fun billionaires and fucktRd leaders on DEATH EARTH.

i see this sand all the videos are gone