Good offerings to eastern gods and deities in Hinduism Buddhism Taoism daoism eastern culture

Good offerings to eastern gods and deities in Hinduism Buddhism Taoism daoism eastern culture

I have given offerings to demons of blood tea and cigarettes I know shiva is sometimes referred to as the patron of intoxications in Hinduism would she enjoy cigarettes and can someone give me examples of other offerings to shiva or ganesha or hanuman or the Taoist immortals

I know verbal prayer is most essential but what about other offerings I think shiva also likes milk and honey

Shiva is referred to as “he”, and I’ve never heard anyone saying he appeared in a female form, except as Shiva-Shakti where he appears as a union between him and his wife Parvati.

The most beloved offerings to Shiva are milk, or even better Panch-bhog ie a blend of 5 'nectars’which are milk, honey, yogurt, ganga water (or use coconut water), and ghee. You can offer him bael fruit, bhaang, black sesame, or make some Kheer (Indian rice pudding).

Ideally, you would bathe on a Monday morning and do this offering, and if you can find a Shiva temple around your area, you can do it at the actual ShivaLinga.

Shiva is easy to please and not looking for theatrics though. if you are unable to do much, just offer milk or kheer to him.

Worshipping Parvati (his beloved wife) makes him happier than anything else, and she has a lot of say into if he grants your wishes. Offering her a red dupatta or red bangles will be good.