“Good Luck” formula

I take a dragons blood incense cone or (any cone) dip It into some oil (any oil associated with luck or boosting spells will do). I take the cone and put It Into bag of Asmodeus Fast luck Incense powder from Luciferian Apotheca. After this the cone should have the Incense powder on It. Light It and say any good luck or fortune chant. You can use the same process with a green candle. I praise Asmodeus and Luciferian Apotheca for bestowing this Incense upon us!! Have fun!

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Sounds great, what sort of results have you got so far (that it’s okay to share)? :smiley:

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I try buck wheat flour,it’s like 8 bucks and put in green bag and say my wish for money,it’s a 200years good luck money or luck spell.to the devil but I can adapt but must be buck wheat.

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Do you recommend Luciferian Apotheca? Are they reasonably priced or do they make up names for common items and then sell them for 3 times the normal price?

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Luciferian Apotheca Is great check em out!
And Ive gotten alot of good results as far as general luck In everything I do from spells, to relationships and competition.