Gonna get a Quija Board any tips

First off I used the mic to try to tell it Quija board and it’s autofilled can I meet you.

So what brand should I get I’ma just look for one on eBay.


The one you are mostly attracted to. Is one of the most powerful Instruments to use for a witch. Normal people had access to it with fatal results. But a ouija in the hands of a witch has practically gigantic power.

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I think I’ma get this one


Looks awesome :heart_eyes:

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Just bought it :smiling_imp:
It’s labeled celestial

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Just thought you’d show interest.


So yea any tips on using one never did befor.


I used an Quija board a couple of times, didn’t really do much for me except for once. Had some poltergeist activity which creeped the f*** out of me. (Back when I was a teen).

Other then what Google tells you to do, and using protection…and maybe candles/etc (to set the mood/right mindset), not sure. I haven’t been the most successful. However maybe incorporate it into a ritual for better success.

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Still think it’s funny that I tried to use the Google talk to text to write Quija board and it wrote “can I meet you”

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It’s the same like using a sigil but an octave higher. Chant the name, put the sigil on it, some blood on it and let it flow. Some spirits manifest extremly powerful like Beelzebub :heart:

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I plan to get me one and energetically program it to only allow entities from a certain place through.

How would you accomplish this?

The same way you make a construct you treat the ouijia board as a physical construct and program the energy into it

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Ahhhh! Ok! :grinning:

I thought you were getting all technical on this one.

Mechanical Oujui Board. :+1:

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How is the Oujui Board the most powerful instruments a witch can use?

Can the results be classified as false negatives or positives if you’re going with your own desires instead of letting the Spirits work?


Actually is like dowsing. The spirits manifest if they want… sometimes directly yes, sometimes take their time and sometimes don’t respond.

I find ouija powerful cause it opens qliphothic portals easily and relative effortlessly

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Thanks for the input y’all,



I don’t know if I should kiss you like a platonic friend or drop dead. I played with with the board as a kid, but nothing strange happened. :joy: Then again…:zipper_mouth_face:…I was a strange kid.

Huh! Here comes Mama to the tree of weirdness! :dna:


It’s ok to derail and explain how your gonna use these qliphothic portals. :frog:

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