Going to a Christian college

I’m not opposed to working with it


A lot of demons are pretty neutral when it comes to religion and Christianity, specifically. Lilith’s daughters seems to be quite indifferent to it, as long as it doesn’t hurt them or yourself.

When it comes to their energies, some of them can even tap into the divine current if they need to. In my experience, they have the ability to shift to dark, light and neutral. The latter might go unnoticed to passers by.

As I see it, the only thing that could hurt you - not the spirits, mind you - is dogma and indoctrination. These entities and spirits is not connected to the Abrahamic “God”, but for us to be with them as spouse, they need permission from a “higher Source”, as well as consent. That’s what I’ve learned from my spirits, anyway.


Hmm I’ll have to talk to my Incubus about it

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That could be an option then. Also not all angeles are as goody-two-shoes as some people would have you believe.

I was also thinking a trickster or deceiver might be helpful as well.

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Alright well I’m currently in class so I’ll ttyl


Then learn it like any other class. You don’t have to believe it to learn it. Jump through the hoop, learn it from the outside perspective. Treat it like learning about any other cult or religion.

In fact, being on the outside, it will be even easier for you to learn because half of it won’t make sense to you. You will be able to see through the gloss to the rotting bones of dogma


Perhaps, it’s difficult to know without a complete definition on both our parts. But, they’re at the very least connected.

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A christian college dude. Go to a prayer room and vamp all of their psychic energy.

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seriously if i’m a catholic, an you know what i’m capable of…why would you be negatively effected?


Didn’t know you were catholic :joy:

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I never cease to remind everyone :smiley:




So cool :slight_smile:
~I would enjoy to be the little devil of the school…
i allmost miss the time in school for this opportunity :’(

Good luck :smiley:

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“Alright but what if I have to take a Bible class”

Fuck it up!
Keep bringing up Arianism, you know, ‘only begotten son…’. That one can screw them, as can the Filioque.

Ask why everyone hates Judas? If Judas had said, ‘Piss off! I’m not going to betray you,’ then Jesus would have died of old age in a Jerusalem bedsit and there’d have been no forgiveness of sin. After Old Numb Nuts, Judas is the most important character in Xtianity. Run that passed them.

Talk about how baptism with soap is a good thing. Keep coming back to great verses like: 1 Kings 15:11; 2 Kings 9:8 and 18:27. There’s heaps of vile stuff. Find it. Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel spell incest. Talk about that. Wonder aloud why no bones or fossilised evidence has been found showing the migration of Australia’s marsupials from Mt. Ararat in Turkey to Australia.

Ask them, ‘If God is all powerful and can create anything, can he create a rock too heavy for himself to lift?’ Gottfried W. Leibniz attempted an answer, but don’t let them know. Discuss predation and ticks and how the existence of each stands counter to the concept of a loving God.

But most of all have fun.



I agree. Never underestimate the prognosticative ability of some Chrstians. They can just “know” certain things. My mom has that ability.

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I highly doubt it. Religion in a way can be used as Magick as well, I’d rather go to a religious school than an atheistic one since the latter would block your Magick more I’d say. Surrounding yourself with Christian or other religious influence might help with Preparatory Immersion as EA calls it when you’re planning on summoning Christian related spirits and angels etc.


Do spells to avoid going to church, bind yourself to home and banish the church. Remove the problem before it even comes


Practice for the “real world”? If you can blend in and do your thing at a Christian college, you can do so anywhere. And I agree with earlier posts - “angels” are not always what they seem

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How common is that? I knew a non-practicing Puerto Rican Catholic once who was all in with the faith but didn’t attend services anymore, and he claimed that back on the island when he was younger, he had what I would call a Coven, but he described it as a group of gifted Christian faithful that worked together in attempts to help people who were being targeted, afflicted, suffering infestations, etc. and all had special abilities.

He wasn’t a very nice person, in general. He liked to throw shame and judgement around. He was very angry with me for having practiced with darker things. He was also convinced that I was glitching all of his electronics whenever I was in the vicinity.

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