Hello! I think this thread to follow the ritual of Heartagrama that started yesterday at 3:43 AM. Although I have already noted it in my shadow book, it will be good as an experience for others and I would also like to receive input and ideas from people who are experienced in love spells with success.
As I said in my presentation in the forum, I have already done some evocations with the goetia, nap … etc.
And in regard to destruction and attack, I am more than satisfied, effects that have been seen in a matter of weeks (Working with the goetia and with Glasya-Labolas, Gloria to him by the way!).
It was amazing to see how well-positioned people could not escape from this, and my enemies all fell.
But on the subject of love, for whatever reason, I have not managed to obtain the same success. I do not know, maybe something escapes me and is doing badly. In that case, if someone can contribute something, I will be very grateful.
I have titled it “goetic heartagram” because before executing the steps put by the user who delivered the heartagram in the forum, I added the goatic evocation of 3 demons that should be able to help in this area (same as Glasya-Labolas it was enough to destroy all my enemies).
The 3 demons are: Sitri, Sallos and Dantalion. (Also included Anael’s name)
Also, in the objective photo, I added handwritten stamps of Sitri and Sallos and my name.
The ritual began at 3:43 AM and concluded at 5:00 AM, summarizing the steps were:
01.-Initial relaxation. Using the NAP method
02.-The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
03.-Ritual of the pillar of the medium
04.-Ritual of the defensive armor (NAP)
05.-Goetic Evocation (Reciting 3 times by demon the invocation and the welcome to the spirit before requesting its help in this subject)
06.-Execution of the HeartaGrama Ritual
07.-Farewell to the Goetic demons, reciting 3 times by demon)
08.-The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
At the time of publishing this, the candle still burns on the heartagram.
Well, at the moment that’s it, I’ll go by and comment if there’s more progress or apply something else