God protected me from Satan

I no it’s not mental illness, but It is still interesting to me that people think it is.

I can ask the same question you just asked me to everyone on BALG who claims to talk to spirits. I’m not saying that everyone is lying or imagining things; but, you know.

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The difference is there are hundreds of ppl saying they talk with spirits, but you are the only one, not only here in this forum but in general, who is (seriously?!) Claiming this:

I mean, if this was a real fact it would be No1 in the news for months

Not at all.

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Could you say more about this? Im just curious

I have seen hawks manifest before me when I was being badly psychically attacked. Since I was being so badly attacked, the hawk could have just been hidden from my sight somehow by a spirit?

What comes to mind is the large ufo I’ve seen over a busy shopping center. There were lots of people around. It’s very obvious that whoever is doing it just wants me to see it and nobody else. I was going through bad psychic attacks at the time, so I just attribute it to secret government agencies or possibly aliens watching over me or investigating what’s going on. The CIA has such advanced technology, they can probably pick up on some type of energy or something with equipment to see that (psychic) stuff is actually going on. The large ufo is unlike ANY report I’ve ever seen.

I have seen even crazier stuff that I may mention later; it was like I was in a video game.

I have never seen any of these things.

I do not consider God a troll. I’ve had great experiences with Him.

Continuing to proselytize and moralize in other people’s threads is quite divisive, too.


I’m going to be honest. I fully disagreed with you when I first say this comment. Then, I thought about it. It depends on how you look at it.

Oh, great. Another bridge burned. Oh, well. I’ll just create a new account with a new computer and start over. You’ll never know. I’m totally kidding.

If I was wrong, then I’m sorry.

Have a nice weekend everybody.

We’re aware of that by now.

Double accounts are not permitted.


I moved this to your Journal, my thread about the Duke isn’t a referendum, and this could lead to a derailment.


They said I preached. All I did was compare my experiences with using magic vs. praying to God and having a relationship with God. I revealed that my relationship with God and praying is better because I get similar or better results w/o having to spend a lot of time on meditations and magic.

They might even say that this is preaching and remove it or something?

This was my second post on this thread. I accidently deleted it. 3 likes

Ya and? 3likes…whats that supposed to mean.

Dude, we get you are major about God and workings with such and your workings yield results for you…

But seriously… You will not influence people on here by merely saying what you do and your results from it.

Whatever your gnosis is, it’s cool.
But don’t try to be reverend and influence others because of some result you got.

Some of here, are not interested in it. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about it, just don’t try to make it out as the, excuse the pun “alpha and omega”.

Dark regards


Really? Companies pay billions to put out stupid ads that you don’t think influence people.

I am not. Being a Christian is the opposite of wanting to be revered; the same goes for the occult ~ people with real power don’t brag about it

I never made it out to be that. I encourage people to learn to control their own minds and reality through meditation.

Okay… Uhmmmm.
Dude, I wasn’t talking about companies and influences and so forth…
But Ya, whatever they do. Good for them. And those that follow it.

I didn’t say revered… I said reverend… Meaning in the preaching form. FYI… No one was bragging.

Point 3.Okay cool. Well Ya…

Good evening then…

Can anybody here manifest a nickle?

@Lady_Eva I was being honest and not sarcastic at all. I honesty believe it is possible to manifest material objects.

You can even look at my past posts where I have witnessed material things being manifested before me.

Can your god save you from alleged C_A gangstalking?

Cut it out @roulettekid, we’re tolerating your different belief system but goading people like this is NOT cool.

Do you thing, let us do ours, who knows you may learn something.



What does manifesting a nickel have to do with this thread o.o

A LARPER might come on here touting that he can manifest a nickle to attract such said abilities