No it’s fine, it’s just not this forum’s usual topic,so there’s not as much about this here as there would be in a new age forum.
What we call this lady’s info in these parts is “Unverified Personal Gnosis”. Or UPG for short.
There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s about her perceptions and her interpretation though her filters of the information coming through her subconscious. Without having this verified by at least 2 other people it remains an interesting theory. I never heard of these “Elohai” before, this is her invention.
About UPG:
Another example is the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek who also telepathically communicates with Metatron. Very interesting stuff, and a lot of his work is teaching sound sacred geometry that is verifiable and “feels fright”… but some is also this same idea, of being pure UPG.
I don’t disagree with her in some respects, but I do disagree that the ascended masters are the Elohim. Ascended masters are normally humans, who have become enlightened, that’s why they’re ‘ascended’, which implies a lower state before. I also use the word “divine” differently: the ascendeds are not gods, though they are often equated with them, they higher beings. I do think that there are many levels of ascension, whicih she is calling dimensions,but again that’s now my UPG.
As for councils I hear there are many. The Melchizedeks, the White Brotherhood, etc.
E.g., one current thought on the Elohim is that they were the Anunnaki, who were not human. This is the “Ancient Aliens” theory.
I don’t buy into the idea that the ascended masters built this “matrix” or that there even is a matrix. But again, I’m not sure what she means by that as it’s her word for an energy she’s receiving and it’s not clear what that is.
The disadvantage this lady has, it this video is old and there has been a ton of new research by now that make more sense than this.
I’m also on the fence about these people that list off reptilian species and planets, as this is often misinfo from those who are anti disclosure so they can spin fear based control stories. It’s also contradicting other info from channels and whistleblowers. Sometimes it’s just pure LARP.
Also there may not be such a thing as black holes: that is actually a theory in physic never proven. Lay people take it as a serious fact, but it’s actually not. So right there when someone is supposed to be channeling higher being data and still speaks in human stories, you know you have ego mind analytical over lay and then you ask how much else is imagination?
I don’t know about this Giovanni, being an occultist I’d say evoke him and ask him in person.
Basically there’s too much in this that is contradictory, sounds made up, isn’t useful, and sounds like an ego trip. Sorry, that’s my gut reaction.
It doesn’t really matter what I think really: what matters is whether this resonates with you and if you can use it to the better in your personal practice. At the end of the day it’s best to take all teachers as great for ideas, but do you own work and your own meditations and soul journeying to decide what you really thing for yourself. Never follow a guru, especially not a human one. They are always wrong about something. It’s the nature of the beast, no pun intended.