Gifts for a djinn with incubus similarities

You need to ask the seller what he likes etc. Did she not give you any info about him?

She told me he has no likes and no dislikes

Sometimes you’ll find that if the being is legitimate, a lot of what the seller says is inaccurate, either because the being didn’t reveal such to them for personal reasons or because the seller strictly follows that DA, WA, GA mumbo that murks things up.

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Da, was , ga???

He means Dark arts, white arts etc.
First example a demon is considered dark arts, can hurt you if it wants to, Angel’s are considered white arts, and cant hurt you.
In truth you cant call something dark or white art, even an angel can drive someone to madness or hurt someone. It’s just basically bullshit, people use to try and stick spirits into little boxes to make themselves feel better or safer.
If you want, try posting a picture of your ring with the djinn, some people can scan it and see if you have an actual djinn and perhaps try and pick up if it was bound forcibly, etc.
Did I get the art thing right @anon48079295?


I am wearing the ring always haven’t taken it off ( besides when I needed to take a shower) I’m I tried to get him to respond to me last night after saying the chant I needed to do. The prior owner said it’ll take a week for him to be comfortable with me.
Also idk any info on what art he is within.

Here is a better pic

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The art stuff is bullshit, ignore it. All entities and spirits have free will, they can do whatever they want.
Also do you have the senses to hear and see spirits? If not perhaps work on those. Also practice meditation, you get into a deep enough state, you will be able to hear him alot better and receive visions.
@Harith @anon48079295 can you two awesome people come scan this young ladies ring and see if the Djinn is attached to it? And if it’s there willingly?

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Yes I do have abilities.
I can tell where a spirit is in the room and what gender or kinda of spirit it is.
Communication is a little sloppy. I can understand what they are trying to say if they give me visions/ show themselves to me or through their energy.
I’m also sensitive when they tough me
With him tho when I first put the ring on the necklace and put it on I felt a tipsy dizziness. Also the ring would go warm and cold.

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Yeah pretty much WA and DA as nonsense, most of not all beings are “GA” as for the ring, would have to give me a moment just got off work.

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Perhaps when he’s comfortable with you, try automatic writing and ask him to speak what he’ll have you write?
Automatic writing and working in your hearing will help get your communication skills up to par with the rest of your skills.

Ok no prob. Thank you for helping me out​:yum::grin:

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The prior owner did say he is shy and it’ll take him a week max for him to start being active with me

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Once he starts interacting, do some automatic writing with him, that way he can tell you more about himself and what he wants to say his likes, dislikes, food, hobbies, his past etc. I just have the feeling that is an important skill you should pick up, it will pay off quote quickly. Owww my heads hurting now.
It will take practice but for something like this, you’ll both think its worth it in the end.
Good luck!

Thank you. Also sorry bout your head hurting

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Hey so rn the ring started to feel heavy as if it were a magnet and my chest had a magnet. It’s very a light heaviness rn but when I pick it up it doesn’t feel that light. Is that bad?

@anon48079295 do you have time to scan the ring for @Gillian_Perdue please and thank you!

I don’t think that is what they mean. It means that those arts are what these beings are more inclined to.
For example a WA being is more likely to help or heal others, while a DA being may enjoy doing what humans would think is bad. Killing,stealing, and other things. It does not mean they don’t have free will, but it plays on the human sense of morality.

No it’s exactly how it’s used. She’s right. Basically WA doesn’t harm, DA is capable of harm, and GA is one who can go either way to help.

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From the keeper site owners I have talked to, that is what they told me.

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