Getting results BEFORE the evocation...?

This could just be just me noticing things because they’re on my mind, like when you buy a red car and you suddenly start seeing red cars everywhere you look, but I was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this.

Backstory- I’ve been researching a lot over the past few days to find the right demon to help fix some issues in my relationship. Boyfriend and I struggle really hard with communication, we both tend to avoid bringing up difficult/sensitive topics and as a result, things fester and stagnate. I have an emotionally abusive ex who made me afraid to speak my mind, and his ex was overly sensitive and would get upset at absolutely everything which made him afraid to speak his mind. We’ve been together 2 years now and things are good otherwise but we both feel like we never really know what the other is thinking or feeling and there’s this big disconnect between us. Anyway, yesterday morning after work I spent several hours going through my books and making some pretty extensive notes, and I decided on appealing to either Diralisin and Kataron to open up the lines of communication with us but I didn’t evoke either. I’ve been so busy/stressed lately and have just felt really blah overall, and I don’t like to do any magickal work if I can’t bring my A or at least my B+ game to the table just out of respect for the spirits. I did write out the full pathworkings for both along with how I would word my request though, and saved everything in my icloud notes.

I seem to be seeing some results already. Last night I messaged him that I felt sad and hoped we could spend some more quality time together this weekend, because last weekend felt kind of short and meh(we only get to see each other on weekends due to distance & work) and I wanted more cuddle time too. I think he though that I meant sex and thought I was just being too shy to say that, but he sent back a paragraph telling me he wanted that too and he wished I would be more open with him about my wants and needs, that it bothers him when I withhold and keep quiet. I stared at the screen for a few minutes in shock. This man is a terrible texter who barely sends a sentence back most of the time. Then a little while later he messaged me another full paragraph asking me to think about some things that are bothering me so we can try to work through them together next weekend, or whenever I’m ready to. Then after we both got off work, which is a time I normally don’t hear from him until after he’s slept, he starts texting me some pictures he took and asking my opinion on the editing he did, and told me to go look outside cause it started snowing. There were smileys and everything.

This is so sudden and out of character for him, and it all happened the night after I did some serious studying and thinking about how to fix our communication with demonic help. I can’t help but think there’s a connection. Is it possible to get results before evoking? Is it possible to evoke without actively performing any ritual? I’m still relatively new to this and have very little experience so I don’t know what’s fully possible. Should I still go through with the official pathworking?

Sorry this is so long, I’m overly wordy and very intrigued right now.

Yes, it’s been noted on here for many years, and also it happens in shamanic work and probably other paradigms.

It seems to me that spirits (and the general forces of magick) operate in terms of chains of cause and effect, not linear time, so they sometimes begin work as soon as the intention has been set. it’s probably best to still do the work you committed to, though.

I did a post about demonic timekeeping here you may find interesting:


Amazing, I have chills right now. Thanks!

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