Getting a little overwhelmed with evocations…

So, I’ve been reading a lot of different threads and doing the background research necessary to decide my next steps trying to secure my love interest. However…geez, am I overwhelmed😭 The last thing I want to do is hop from one demon to another- that won’t help anyone and will likely only annoy them all. I want to choose one and stick with them, but I’m not sure how to go about it. Should I just try each out, explain the situation, get to know them, then make my decision? If so, How long should I spend with each one? How do I know if I’m getting through to them at all?
No action outside of following through with offerings to Dantalion and checking in on Sallos has been taken- I don’t want to add anyone else if they’re not needed.

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Start with a petition yo.


This is great advice! Can I petition multiple demons for different aspects of one issue, or is it wiser to hold off?


Hey Opulent. Given that you are feeling a tad overwhelmed (which is totally valid), maybe you should stick with one petition. That way, you can notice what it’s like when a petition is answered. This has the bonus of letting you know exactly what spirit helped you out, and you can begin to pick up on the energy of a certain spirit. It’s wise to start with the basics, which can include not rushing through a thousand spirits. Quality over quantity.


You’re very right- I see that I’m beginning to lust for results, clearly. After such blazing fast work from Grand Dukes Sallos and Dantalion and Great Prince Sitri over the weekend, I’ll admit I’m getting antsy now that things seem to have slowed down. I’ll try to keep calm and collected while trying out one. Should I include an offering alongside the petition?

Hey, Opulent, there’s nothing wrong with doing workings/petitions with spirits that you don’t have a strong relationship.

I did a petition to Bune earlier to help a friend. I’ve called on her many times to help people. But I don’t have a deep relationship with Bune. A cordial working one. Neither of us mind.

I also have deeper relationships with entities that act as guides for me. They come when they choose to and it may not always make sense why. Ma’at, for example, came to me months before she stepped forward to act as a sort of guide for a specific path I was working on. No idea why when she first came.

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A reminder @The_Black_Opulent to please complete your introduction by answering the questions I have asked you.

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I’m so sorry! I thought I’d already posted!

I see…this is interesting insight. I just assumed what was asking angered them, or they didn’t agree with it!

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You should get a feeling if they don’t agree with it. If your senses aren’t developed, search for a means of communication to see if they accept it and what, if any, payment.

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Thank you for this! I recently tried using a pendulum with Orobas for divination and was told it can be used with other spirits. Is it possible to use the pendulum as a means of communication, not just divination?

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Orobas. Call out to him and state what you need exactly and a timeframe. Thank him and tell him you will give public thanks and praise when done.

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It can. It’s easy to influence, so you’d want to spend time meditating to reduce that.