Get Your Custom Curses Here

I thought I might provide this for a day or two. I recently pulled out my great grandmother’s book of spells. Not all are curses, there is every type in this book, plus a section on herbs, roots, flowers and various barks for those who are interested in employing the use of herbs in their rituals, baneful or non baneful. She lived to 101 years old, and some of this material was passed on to her in the late 1800s. Doing this will take some time, because it must be translated from Italian to English, except for one, which I have translated. She practiced stregheria, but also learned hoodoo, and her spells do have a hoodoo influence, some of them anyway. So if you need a ritual, pm me and I’ll.look it up, translate and send.


How badly frowned upon would it be to ask if there are any death spells in there?


I will pm you. I try the book i send you but its too slow. Im wairing another private too. So hopwly nxt week i get it. If can send me one of same magick.

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Does she have a torture curse that will destroy the subject but wont kill it?


Im actually on the lookout for a same type of spell as @MorpheusDarkson lol. So if there’s one like that im interested as well.


Got anything on making a person your puppet? Like they literally do everything you command them to


Do you have anything to destroy beauty?


I don’t frown upon it if it is deserved, you really have to think before you do a death curse, and they take dedication and work to get results.


I know pretty much everyone would like the death spells I have and other maleficio lol, but my next post, after translating will be a relationship sour jar, first im going to post how to protect yourself from baneful magick and unwanted entities.


She had a saying, that evil cannot dwell where basil thrives. Now, in my home in every room except my temple rooms, I have organic basil growing, Genovese basil seed is cheap ( organic) but has to be planted on March 21 to get any kind of big plant. I have other herbs that I use, and others growing in my home and baneful herb garden outside along with other protective plants and some flowers. That’s the first thing you do, plant the basil seed on March 21. They’ll grow like crazy if they get the right amount of water ( don’t use tap, give them spring water) and they need sun, just be careful not to over “sun” them or over water. If you see them get droopy, they need water, and dead leaves should be clipped off. The ones I have in my livingroom are 5 feet tall, they flower in the spring, so when you plant the seed you curse it, and spit in the potting soil- again use organic.
Next step- turn any brooms you have upside down, try to keep one in the main rooms if your house.
Sprinkle agrimony, rue, boldo, mixed with ground red brick dust in all four corners of your home going clockwise to keep out parasites, along with a peeled clove of garlic. Sprinkle the herb mixture across your doorway outside, along window sills, around your property, and it will keep burglars and unwanted guests away, intruders meaning harm, etc
A bit of rock salt in the corners with the herb mixture helps as well, and will absorb negativity.
Keep a la Nina Blanca ( Santa Muerte) 7 day burning for protection, and a black la Nina negra burning for defense. Always keep an altar going for the bony lady, she will have your back. Remember to say your petitions to her, and you will be glad you did!:grin: Never sweep your home when it is dark. But keep your house wiped down and mopped with unscented ammonia.


Never keep a thorny succulent or cactus inside your home, they belong outside, even aloe vera.


Doing so, can cause conflicts in your home, however outside the more cactus you have the better, outside it is a protective plant.


Relationship sour jar: You will need a red candle- represents anger and aggression, corresponds to Mars.
Mason jar with lid.
Choose a baneful oil, such as bats blood, bats eye oil( better choice)
Mars oil. Mix these oils.
A lemon
Black pepper corns-9
Black pen with permanent ink
One more lemon (you’ll need the juice, or limes, either)
Some type of baneful herb
Write both targets names 9x backwards, first target on one side, second on the back)
Roll it into a scroll, and tie with red thread
Slit the lemon and insert the scroll into it.
Sew the slit together with red thread
Place the lemon in mason jar
Squeeze lemon juice all over it
Pour in plain vinegar, add the rest of the ingredients, add more lemon juice and some vinegar. Close it tightly.
Cleanse and charge your red candle, put your intention into candle.
Place candle on top of mason jar lid, after applying the cursing oil.
Spell: ( Name) and ( name), Into your life comes strife. You shall argue day and night, you shall hate each other, yes you will fight. I sour your relationship, here comes sorrow and only woes, the sourness follows wherever you go. Here comes sorrow, resentments, spite
Bringing only darkness, and never light
This is the cost for wronging me
As it will it, so mote it be.


Keep this jar in a dark closet inside a black cloth. Do not put it where it will be disturbed, and never bring it in s lighted room or move it.


Of course I would forget somethings~🤣
Light the red candle with incense or lighter, for this I would go with patchouli incense. Start this spell on a Tuesday during waning moon, if you can catch the moon in a fixed sign, I would choose Scorpio, or Taurus


This makes so much sense…ill be moving my christmas cactus and alovera plants outside from now on 🤦


Aloe needs part shade

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Allow the candle to burn and drip all over the jar, and don’t remove it

I was going to pm you, but if you don’t mind I’ll just reply on here. Any suggestions for homebrewing a sleeplessness, a restless sleep, or an insomnia curse?

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I think I have one for restless sleep and to bring nightmares. Give me time have to translate. If that sounds good to you.