General Conjuration

I will like to know the best method of summoning or working with a spirits that has no sigil or seal. Thus, having just the name of that spirit.

Which spirit?

All in all, a focal point may be the one thing you need.

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Can you please elaborate a little further for me?

It’s the same basic concept of meditating on a sigil: you calm your mind, go into trance and use the sigil to reach the spirit.

Other tools can be used for the exact same purpose. I’ve heard of people here reaching the Egypt gods by using their images, for example.

I’m trying to get the best method of working with a spirit without a sigil. I only know of the name without image too

Dude… this will be easier if you just tell us the spirit’s name, someone will be able to help you.

Oh okay, sorry for my incomplete message.
( Rajindoah ) This is the name of the spirit, it is not found in any of the Grimoires available and there is no sigil for him.

Where did you get the name? It doesn’t ring any bell.

It was given to me by a friend back in school some years ago. He was working with him so I decided to also contact him but because of examinations we couldn’t have the time to go into details. We lost contact with each other after school

You may sigilize the spirit’s name (Chaos method, Rose Cross…) or use just it, either repeated alone or in a calling such as “Come, Rajindoah, show yourself and speak to me”.

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Wonderful suggestion, where can I find the Rose Cross. Thanks

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