Gay love spell on straight guy

Okay, so a couple things …

  1. What if the orientation was flipped, that a hetero wanted to turn someone else to be hetero, and want to only do each other?
  2. If you’re going to do it, you might write an incantation, build up the emotion for it that nothing but this will occur, and call on planetary forces, visualizing and willing it throughout. I did that for someone else. That occurred to me, so I have no room to moralize, but still, I would not do it, and I would never rape someone or whatnot unless it guaranteed life and safety for myself, or my loved ones
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Honestly, I don’t know what I should do. Of course, what I WANT is to marry him or be in a relationship with him. He really is worthwhile, and a one time thing wouldn’t cut it for me as I need time to connect. I just wasn’t sure how that would play out, and figured a small thing would be the only possibility since people figure it’s so difficult even though it’s just a human mind.

I think I’m going to settle on Belial for this, as he is second under Lucifer but also deals with this stuff. I must say I am somewhat unconfident though and from what I heard he’s somewhat tough. Though, right now, I should be a little concerned because I legit smell semen and there is no source for it wtf please help


I think someone might be saying that they accept your request


Go for the gold man, all the way then. :slight_smile:

Open Belial’s sigil and see what he feels, sounds like he’s interested.


I Wish I could give spirits an iou

^ This.

Unless you secretly hate him for being straight as well, in which case perhaps any negative fallout won’t bother you (that’s not meant snarkily).

Gay men regularly flirt with women, does that mean secret attraction? In some cases, maybe, in others, not, but even when it’s there, the person may choose not to act on it as it would damage aspects of their self-respect and identity.

There is no power in having no boundaries and no standards in any area of life, yet we’ve been told the opposite is true with sex… :thinking:

Like everything in life this is going to be a cost/benefit analysis for you, and even though you’re young, using divination to get the best possible outcome and avoid pitfalls all round seems wise.


For women it is for men not so much.

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You may be speaking for yourself. 75% of bisexuals are in the closet, and men may be less willing to admit such feelings or fantasies.


I think everybody is a little gay whether they’d like to admit it or not :smirk::wink:


No i dont think i am speaking for myself its proven that men dont change their prefference on the fly. You will be having a hard time convincing straight guy to have sex with you. It wont happen. If he is bi it will but if he is straight forget about it.

The thread was started by @Biochromos; I only provided my insight. What I do know for a fact is that many straight guys experimented with guys (drunk or not), and what about all those gay-for-pay (adult) actors?

Some of them may pretend to be straight, but it’s a fact a lot of them are truly hetero in real life. Late John C. Holmes starred and performed in a few gay movies even though he was straight as an arrow.

I just think that we’re all spirits in bodies, and when spirits love other spirits, gender doesn’t really matter.
It’s that soul kind of love.


I mean this respectfully, I’m going to go purely technical, so no-one should take this personally - this is meant generally- nor meant in any negative way - this is pure technical energetic observation in human beings.

I notice that a lot (I don’t say all!) of people that are bi or gay energetically
have an energetic blockage that has been caused subconsciously, mixing up the masculine and feminine energies at certain points of the multidimensional psyche, or mix up what parameters do belong to intuition and are feminine and others that are to the masculine, which is a problem that in itself needs fixing because it messes up one’s own ability to ground both polarities properly as long as they cannot be distinctively discerned, and it messes up your system as a human being - generally also creating a craving that gives the idea that external stimuli is continually needed, such as sex, or be subservient to someone to get something, often through sexual abuse.

If one keep feeling the need for external things to feel whole to feel inner peace - there is an underlying problem that makes one that is unaware go through (even through magick) go through a whole lot of maybe temporary or longer seemingly temporary fulfilling situations or quite the opposite until the core issue is realized and resolved.

Be aware that such energetic issues at the base of oneself can really mess up your enjoyment of reality as it should (for ourselves!) , in a state of wholeness. Wholeness is what you are underneath, and if something feels bad or unfulfilling,in your state of being, asking for healing and wholeness is what can help one feel relief with oneself and see things clearly - and a clear mind leads to the deeper, more heart-based true intended actions. It’s crucial to be very open and honest to ourselves and spirits can help with that self-inspection.

On a more personal note:
(and I am not saying here that anyone here means to sexually abuse someone else - just saying
what ‘disbalance’ can cause - maybe there are some people that do recognize themselves in the following…; be it partially, straight or gay.

I for example almost completely f*ed up my relationship with my gf because I got sexually abused by men when I was a kid and teen.

-I can telll you that my rage was supreme for being abused against my will, because of a permanent repetition was one of retribution. Don’t get me wrong I do have respect for gay people. As a hetero sexual man I highly respect being talked to as a human being, which happened recently. I was at a bar, met these 2 girls, a straigh couple and a gay couple - these guys were really top notch when it comes to mutual respect and not being vulgar- regardless of gender, it’s classy.

and there were those that looked at me as if I was a piece of meat before all, which I disliked, and those were actually generally those that were the most broken of all, energetically.

It’s been a fight at the cost of many more sexual abuses, to get my energies balanced again- because the disbalance in me attracted really really seriously wicked, depraved people I can tell you, reflecting the level of disbalance in me - that got me into more abuse for years…;It’s been a fight to fix that stuff and now I finally fixed it through both black and white magick - I worked with Lucifer also for example on this, telling and empowering me to realize that I am the sole and absolute master of my body. Worked with archangels, demons, spirits…;

I must say, that it would supremely trigger me as a human being to be forced into a particular direction again against my will - It really pushed me to extremes as a human being, for the better and the worst-
before I got to know magick again, I spent my life saying f*ck, I have no life, I’m so messed up I don’t even know how to start one. It fucked up my whole life. The shame of the abuse stayed with me for so long…;

If you want to get the best out of yourself, straight or gay, asking angels/demons for self-healing and self-empowerment in whatever areas you need, approaching both as a living god, as e.a. states can help you a lot in getting the results you want.

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What i said before is basic biology and you cant refute it no matter what you wish to be true

Look… This topic is not about you personally (but some other guy @Biochromos has a crush on), and I did at one time have sex with a straight guy with a girlfriend. (And no, I did not put a spell on him but simply made a subtle advance, asking him if he was married.)

He was truly heterosexual (not into romance, french-kissing), but we did have oral/anal sex.

And I did have other encounters (fondling, oral) with two other straight guys. (No spells were cast.) And what I said about gay-for-pay actors is very well documented.

And what about hetero guys in prison who have homo sex? My conclusion is thus: most straight guys may not ever have gay sex/fantasize about it, but some do fantasize about it and may experiment, and some may never think about it but do it under certain circumstances.

I’m satisfied with the evidence I’ve presented so far, and regarding sexual fluidity, there’s the Kinsey scale.


neither is about you trying to rewrite basic human biology and psychology. plus you started the stupid argument . if you dont bellieve in basic behaviroal science thats your problem

I’ve got a feeling this thread has run its course, thanks to everyone who has shared their views.