Gallery of magick is nonsense, Bullshit, wishfull thinking

I’m an ancient mage I think, memory before more recent past-lives is pretty foggy. I’m not destroyed by science or Christianity yet in fact I will resist for as long as I exist in the face of any consequences, even eternal torture. But hey I’m no master of all areas of magick either thats for sure ( money amongst others … yet … ).

Also the only reason I bash their books so much is because there were some issues between Damon Brand and myself and ( *I think he) did some offensive magick on me ( not the best idea really, he should have done some divination first ), if it works for you, power to you…

Magick is above physical sciences in all ways as physical science is born from it. It is more fair to say that those that possess such power no longer dwell in this world. This world has become separated from what it use to be so those immortals and beings that use to dwell in our physical world left with their domains to an adjaceant place that is often mistaken as part of the astral. This is the Kali Yuga we reside in as it can be best described as the spiritual and true magical practice is often separated and barely seen until its end and essentially those that attain that level have no reason to remain here and not just migrate. You attain the power to leave this level of reality for one that is more suiting to you why would you stay. Every thing you hear of any semi modern magician that attains near divine levels of ability has them just leaving in some way at the end of their journey for that reason. There is no place for them here yet in this age until the universe swings around again. The power we achieve here is great but just a stepping stone.


So I’ve had enough after what happened today. This is totally not what I had in mind when I tried to learn magick and I never should have pretended like I know anything at all because I don’t. I hope its over now…and I’m never trying to curse anyone ever again because I just want my life back…

The GoM writes books compatible with beginners, but like any Magickal book, they are full of blinders. They’re layered and many of the techniques are not easy to do.
While results are easier to obtain in places where there are more opportunities, that does not mean that an entire system of Magick doesn’t work. Matter of fact, claiming that it doesn’t work unless certain conditions like country or status are met is actually stifling any Magick that has been done. If you go casting spells with an attitude of “None of it works because I’m not rich” then that is exactly what you get. Nothing. Which by the way is your spell manifesting. So that’s a result right there.
Magick doesn’t require money or materials, that’s a very common misconception. Mankind has been doing Magick since the dawn of our species and often without any ritual implements whatsoever. Most Magick I do uses no tools at all and I’ve got a great success rate.
Why would GoM have a patreon? Because it’s a business they have. They aren’t doing it for free, nor should they. If you have a skill to share or a product, one does not give it away for free.
The mind is the greatest limiter in Magick. Any kind. If your perception of the world does not match what you are trying to accomplish, it won’t happen. As within, so without.


i want to ask you this question .Can magic make you rich? Today, BTC is at $90K USD, and I find myself wondering how many people on this forum are using magic to predict this. If spirits are so powerful, why don’t they provide guidance on what to invest in to become wealthy? Even just a hint would help. I practice magical techniques for wealth and use spirits to discover opportunities, but nothing has happened yet. Perhaps the opportunities are too subtle.

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Magick can and does make people rich. Once again it’s an issue of perception. Inner work. Hyper focusing on bitcoin won’t get you anywhere.
Becoming rich isn’t usually an overnight process either. Most of the self made millionaires work at it for years, invest in multiple things and are money conscious. They go broke, they suffer hardship, they live life.
Magick isn’t a movie. You’re leveraging the universe. Attempting to get it to conspire to your will.
But once again I’ll point out your set point. “Nothing has happened”
That is quite literally stopping your manifestations. If you want to become rich, start small. Make small safe investments and build on them. You’ve got to do the practical work too, the mundane work.
On another note, how well do you communicate with spirits? How well do you read omens and other signs? You’re embarking on a complex, multi layered work. Yet your assertion is it doesn’t work, but what have you actually done?


Universal Mastery did a session with Lucifer weeks ago where he suggested holding BTC and XRP for the mid-long term (and some other coins too), both are up quite significantly since, so it’s certainly possible.

However, he’s not betting his life on that, he’s still following it like a reasonable investment and he and the others following him are successful behaving this way.

I don’t know if their books ever worked for me either after using them for a decade. Ive seen enough evidence to sense this reality is a simulation, many of our lives are predestined and that perhaps angels just dont work with everyone.


@Bruho I’ve come to the exact same conclusion as you regarding this reality and angels/entities. I suspect that most rituals don’t fail but are actively blocked when you go off script, especially when it’s to improve your situation in life with money magic. You suddenly becoming wealthy will have a cascading effect on your immediate family members and loved ones. They have their own predetermined destinies which will be interfered with.

My 2 cents view is subject to change or remain depending on my own journey and experiences.

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That’s a good point too that most people don’t think about. Other people around you will have their predetermined destinies interfered with which angels, who maintain the cosmic order, will not be obligated to help you with…unless you inspire a huge angel praying fest for years which they love.

And I think some people will have more success based on the types of spirits they work with, and which types of magick based on their elemental birth chart.


@Mulberry, what do you think? That’s akin to saying that if one’s family has a “karma” or “predetermined destiny” of mediocrity (poverty, stagnation, constant failure, etc.), one is condemned to the same fate. That thought alone could lead one to despair!

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Well, I make it no secret that I don’t believe in karma or destiny.

I think using karma as an excuse to blame the victim for their poverty is abuse and frankly sociopathic, used by those in power as an excuse to keep power, and an oversimplified understanding of the universe. I think it’s much, much more complicated than that.

What I do believe in, is energy patterns and probability. It’s all physics, waveforms interacting. (Wave-particle theory states that every body can also be described as an em wave - bearing in mind “All models are wrong, but some are useful” - George Box, this one is useful imo.)

I often describe these as being like currents in the ocean. You can get swept away by the current if you are not strong enough to swim against it, or don’t figure out that you should swim perpendicularly out of it. Your effects on other waveforms can get swamped.)

I also do not subscribe to the notion that the mage is the only being and the universe in his own mind. I think we are not alone, this is not a matrix, we share reality with other humans, spirits, ancestirs, the land, and the galaxy. All these conscious beings have their own designs too, down the the smallest ant, even to the rocks, and this makes those currents ever more complex.

People often do magick as if their designs were the only ones affecting a situation, but they usually aren’t.

They also forget that they themselves are complex beings who’s own energies may not be in full alignment with an outcome, in that they have emotional conflicts, doubt or blocks.

So when you have certain entities that either fail to deliver or get in the way, that’s not because they’re doing the “will of the universe”, that because they are also people with theirs own designs and agendas, and/ or your own blocks and emotions or just weakness of you or they. We get that we can’t just manifest or demanifest a rock, so why do we assume we can change just anything because it isn’t physical? It’s waveform may be just as strong for different reasons.

As pointed out, are not omnipotent. I don’t agree they have anything to do with cosmic orders … “Angels” are not any kind of authority just because they are people with ability. I pretty much just think they’re all ETs at this point, and so are half the “demons” ego aren’t Earth-bound fae/djinn or astral wildlife :slight_smile: i lost all belief in “gods” as anything more than human romanticising the more I learned.

So the trick is to “*know yourself *”.

Knowing yourself means also understanding where you stand and how and why you interact with your reality in every aspect. Knowing what you can and can’t do within the complex patterns in your sphere of influence and where that fades out. To know yourself means you don’t get surprised, you know the flow of probabilities around you and what you can do to affect them and why you’d want to. I guess you could say this is part of gaining omniesience.

You get the same result in the end but one way of thinking is disempowering and fatalistic, and as you say depressing as fuck - which I think it’s meant to be, depressed people don’t fight their abusers - the other allows you to apply your intelligence and understand the situation so you can take a more philosophical and practical approach.


Yes one may be condemned to the same fate and many people arent able to escape it no matter how hard they work.

There’s only free will to an extent in this reality. We are not all equal with the same spiritual blank state to do and achieve whatever we want.

I’ve seen enough evidence collected by math and astronomy nerds like Goro Adachi who consistently point out we are in a predestined reality. If you can forsee major events and patterns coming based on math, geography, and astronomy then I suspect that it’s the same on a personal, microcosmic scale. Who designed what is another subject for another thread, but the point of magick is for people to try to change their circumstances.


From my research, I am 100 percent positive that no matter the subject matter, that any occult book will at least work for some people out there. And it probably doesn’t matter what part of the world they happen to come from either. Since as long as they put in the proper work before attempting the spell or ritual in question then they should have a chance in having it work for them.


I feel for you man, people here have done nothing more than say fancy words.

I don’t mean to insult, but if you respond to this guy’s questions with words from a motivational video like “nothing is easy, life is full of difficulties, not everyone can achieve everything, only those who work hard will succeed”, you will only cause more inner crisis for OP

We’re talking about magic, which is always mentioned in the forum as having no limits. And on the one hand you say everything is possible and on the other hand you still talk about hard work and difficulties.

Study esoteric knowledge my friend, and the answers to questions like this by powerful magicians on this forum may give you the answer you are looking for

For example, look topics of C.Kendall first

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Just because their books didn’t work for you, doesn’t mean they’re trash. I’ve had some good results from their books on some situations, sometimes better results with other books/authors. They themselves also say that sometimes magic fails and doesn’t work. That’s just the way it is. Have you thought maybe it’s your approach? Magick often takes time. Something that people often don’t want to hear.

Also, I don’t understand what you mean by the ‘post-election’ situation, or what that has to do with the GOM?


@Yuno Your comment was off topic and unnecessary and has been removed. Please don’t make rude comments about members of the forum.

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No , I have Great Results with :smiley:

and Archangels of Magic :

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