Anyone worked with Laval books ? And specifically Sacerdotiun Umbrae Mortis? What results do his magical systems offer?
Anyone worked with Laval books ? And specifically Sacerdotiun Umbrae Mortis? What results do his magical systems offer?
I have not worked with either, but I just wanted to say thanks ^^
Sacerdotiun Umbrae Mortis seems really interesting for when I had some more experience working with all 11 Qliphothic rulers.
Can you kindly elaborate
I’m already initiating through the Qliphoth using my own combination of a few different systems and judging from the intro and a review this seems like it goes a lot further into the whole predatory side of Qliphothic magick than I have so far and it hints at an alternative interpretation of the eleven rulers.
So I think I’d like to have some experience working with and understanding how each of these (s)hells influence me personally and how the whole from Lilith to Thaumiel comes together for me before seeing what this can teach me.