FWB III: GROUP 1 - Calendar Thread (look here for assignments)

Here is the planning calendar for FWB III - Group 1. In this thread, I will post the current working and any needed organizational material.

Please do not comment in this thread unless I specifically ask you to.

Any discussion can happen via private message or in the FWB III thread:

Looking forward to a powerful April!

I will try to give a week worth of workings at a time, so people can work ahead as needed. It should come to about two workings per week. Remember there are two groups doing workings - complete your own group’s workings first, and then if you want to do more, feel free to work on the other group as well.

To begin the project, we will perform the death of the old self ritual - this should be a good catalyst for the growth you will be going through as a result of all this ritual working.

Last time, each member of the group performed an empowering/guiding/blessing ritual, where they brought an entity on to help their own workings as well as those of the groups. You may do this again if you like. You can look to the old threads to see what people did there.

Current Set of Workings: (to be completed by Apr.30th)

– The last set of workings.
– Any concluding workings, such as closing rituals, finishing your starting ritual, etc.

@@@ Completed Workings: @@@
– Death of the Old Self Ritual
– Empowering/guiding entity called [optional]
– The first set of names and workings.
– The second set of names and workings.
– The third set of names and workings.

For research and planning purposes, here is the ordered list of names and the general type of help they seek.

Planning list:

  1. TheWanderingFool - winning a court case
  2. Sinata - physical improvement and willpower
  3. necromaster - love spell (general)
  4. Divinator - love spell for another (specific)
  5. taokua - new career guidance
  6. PyreOD - improving financial success
  7. HGA-7-5 - aid in project of making money through chance
  8. Defectron - general happiness / well-being

Here is the first working: (to be completed by April 3rd)

1st operation of the 1st Week (start now):

– Death of the Old Self Ritual: [url=http://www.becomealivinggod.com/newsletter/a-simple-ritual-to-erase-the-past-and-embrace-the-future.html]http://www.becomealivinggod.com/newsletter/a-simple-ritual-to-erase-the-past-and-embrace-the-future.html[/url]

– Evoke your entity of choice for the benefit of the whole group. The request is to ask the entity to bless, guide, and empower the project to its conclusion. [optional]

First batch of names: (to be completed by April 7, 2013)

Alright everyone, here is the first batch of names. A pair of requests to improve outcomes - one in a court case, the other within a person.

The first list of names, to be completed by 04/07/2013:

  1. TheWanderingFool - winning a court case
    (approximate dates 4/1 - 4/4)

“My goal is for my fiancé to win her court case. She is in a custody battle with her ex. […] Use whatever entity one feels comfortable with, the only parameter I have is the children not be harmed.”

The trial is April 17 - so the working needs to come to fruition by then.

Background: “We had a hearing on the 15th of March for the judge to hear the results of the investigator we hired to check which home is better suited for the kids. His last finding said we had the better home environment, and that the ex was neglecting their educational needs. The judge decided to let them stay with him anyway. My fiancé’s ex belongs to old southern money so his family influence is high.”

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task - evocation, sympathetic magick, candle magick, etc. Remember that this help could come in the form of protection, or it could be a manipulation of the system that the case goes her way. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Paimon - Goetia (manipulation) / Michael or Raphael - Evoking Eternity (protection of children) / Mercurial spirits (Psionics Grimmoire, Bardon’s PME, etc.).

  1. Sinata - physical improvement and willpower
    (approximate dates 4/4 - 4/7)

“The ability to succeed in drastically changing my physical appearance for the better due to a health issue, and maintaining the motivation to do so.”

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task - evocation, sympathetic magick, candle magick, etc. Some thoughts for direction would include - healing of mind/body, improvement of willpower, improvement of body. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Rantka – KoF, Raphael – EE, Hent’yos – BoA, Ghob & Djin - EE, Ant’harratu & Mak’ta’lahn – BoA, Raziel - EE, Marbas & Buer - Goetia.

Please don’t reply here, but instead PM him directly:

So yea, if you would like Divinator to have a better link for your request, send him that info. Also, if you would like the group in general to have a better link for your request, pm or email the info and I will distribute it to your working group as a whole.

I told him I was going to pass this request along, and he responded thusly:

[quote=“Divinator”]Please do it, my onmiscience level is not that high for blind spellcasting.

I will use vodoun on all rituals, i need atleast name and photo.[/quote]

So, there you have it. If you could kindly share that info with Divinator for his workings at least, it would help him greatly. If you cannot or will not, well, we’ll just have to see.

Second batch of names: (to be completed by April 14, 2013)

Ok! Here is the second pair of names. Love spells! One is a general love spell, to draw an appropriate mate; the other is to give a couple a second chance.

  1. necromaster - love spell (general)
    (approximate dates 4/8 - 4/11)

“It is my will that a young and beautiful woman to fulfill my love and sexual desire. As it is within your power, and as it is my will, I command that such a physically beautiful, mentally fit, and emotionally serene woman, who is free from disease, be drawn to me for the purpose of my companionship and sexual fulfillment.”

Suggested entities include the Angel Lotir (pg. 89 of complete works), Duke Sallos (Goetia), and others you think appropriate to the task. You may also choose other workings you think suitable for the task.

  1. Divinator - love spell for another (specific)
    (approximate dates 4/11 - 4/14)

“Help my old friend get his ex-girlfriend back.”

He has also provided names, pictures and other info - I will pm you these, let me know if you are doing this working and didn’t get them. The friend also knows that he’s going to have to do some work of his own to keep her.

Suggested entities for love include the Angel Lotir (pg. 89 of complete works), Duke Sallos (Goetia), and others you think appropriate to the task. I also think King Paimon (Goetia), for manipulation of the mind may well be useful. Other workings as you see fit may also be appropriate.
You may also choose other workings you think suitable for the task.

If everyone can “like” this post, it would give me an idea of how many people are paying attention and/or are caught up to this point. Thanks!

THIRD batch of names: (to be completed by April 21, 2013)

On to the third batch of names. Money spells! One is a to gain access to a career more suitable to his magickal practice, the other is to acquire a financial investment to support future successes.

  1. taokua - new career guidance
    (approximate dates 4/15 - 4/18)

[The workings are to provide aid in whatever form necessary towards the following goal. The aid may be in the form of insight, networking connections, opportunities, seed capital, oversight by goal-working entities, etc.]

"It is my will that I create significant and meaningful business holdings, locating and working with associates knowledgeable in this areas . This work and these companies must be compatible with myself and my magickal practice and the overall developmental flow, and into the appropriately ideal social-marketplace locations.”

[see next post for a more detailed/lengthy description]

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task - evocation, magick squares, candle magick, etc. Remember that this help could come in various forms - he is looking for a better career and improved financial means. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Lukorst (wealth) – KoF / Ghob (earth king - investment) – EE / Ant’harratu – BoA / HALAH’THOR – BoA / Paimon - Goetia / Bethor - PME and Psionics Grimmoire.

  1. PyreOD - improving financial success
    (approximate dates 4/18 - 4/21)

“general financial/monetary success through my new job”

As a little background, in the previous FWB project, PyreOD wanted a new job. He has now secured a decent job, so he would like to be more prosperous there.

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task - evocation, magick squares, candle magick, etc. Remember that this help could come in various forms - he is looking for improvements in his current job. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Lukorst (wealth) – KoF / Ghob (earth king - investment) – EE / Ant’harratu – BoA / HALAH’THOR – BoA / Paimon - Goetia / Bethor - PME and Psionics Grimmoire.

Most of us are familiar with taokua’s writing style, so I feel it is appropriate, to both get an idea of what he is looking for and to make a connection to him for the working, to give an expanded version of his request:

[quote=“taokua”][The workings are to provide aid in whatever form necessary towards the following goal. The aid may be in the form of insight, networking connections, opportunities, seed capital, oversight by goal-working entities, etc.]

"It is my will that I create significant and meaningful business holdings, locating and working with associates knowledgeable in this areas . This work and these companies must be compatible with myself and my magickal practice and the overall developmental flow, and into the appropriately ideal social-marketplace locations.”

"As I ReVeal more of MySelf to my self, I experience more “magic” in my life, and encounter more opportunities/insights, but as that happens I feel a deep-drive to disconnect and “keep my head down” socially- vs “being seen” ~take a stand, which creates problems in starting a business. In the past I’ve worked as an employee in small and large co, part of a self-employed team, assisting actions others, as well as putting together deals that would operate as “a going-concern” -and yet each such option stream has dried-up and invalidated.

I sense I either need nearly-completely shutdown my magical-side (and thus that aura-of-otherness); which seems to be something I can't get myself to do.. or I need find a way to establish an entrepreneural structure that will allow my trainings and practices (and work with that aura-of-otherness, preferably augmented by it), which I hadn't found a way to do previously.    Specifically there is a week long event I desire to attend near the end of April, as well as living-arrangments change, which opens up my relocating.   -the key being time-freedom and time-flexibility.  Ideally the (re-)contacting with those that have contacts and financial account logistics, finding those looking for someone with "skills I have" to help setup an "ongoing concern" that will then by maintained and earn from.. 

which I would/will use my BALG-devel to assist and augment (as I did a while back, but I became stuck at some point: can’t go fwd, can’t stay where at, and Can’t Go Back… need to SEE more clearly and ReVeal another option?)

I have had a strong sense that there is something I can see-sense but I’m not clearly aware of (either subconsciously cognitive-block, or something isn’t clicking) that is a missing-piece on how my magickal awareness and related magickal presence should tie into my “social-environment” interactions. Year before I did my “working” or self-employment separated from Magic working, yet over time I could separate them less and less. and as time goes by the affect of the aura continues all the time

Since I’m not a teacher, consultant, nor “do on behalf of” - I need to find a way to financially receive while doing the arts; the aura I create around me when I practice affects and influences all, even in off-time, as well as I see more consequences, more choices become unacceptable/unavailable to my inner-knowing (and less able to “just do it anyway” and some action is needed; all options seem unavailable.). To the degree I am contacted-connected in Enviro by those involved in such operations presently, as well as psychologically (and psychically) releasing WhatEver blocks I have to this.

Whatever- as this needs to fully change (or else no longer be an issue pushing me to change it- either way)."”””[/quote]

Last batch of names: (to be completed by April 30, 2013)

Last batch! Two guidance spells! One to gain a guidance toward a money-making through prediction/luck, the other to improve happiness and well-being.

  1. HGA-7-5 - aid in project of making money through chance
    (approximate dates 4/22 - 4/25)

“It is my will that my older brother Metatron777 (nickname) and I, HGA-7-5, receive a boost and steadily rising momentum in the development of our psychic faculties, such that we are swiftly able to consistently, week-after-week, funnel to ourselves $2000+/week each using games of chance such as, but not limited to, the Pick-3 Lottery, lottery, black jack, poker, dice, or sports betting, using no more than $40 total investment. Such boost strengthens all training with such skills, including bonds with spirits and training devised by ourselves. As it strengthens the results of our training, it in turn gains strength from our efforts, so much so that it carries momentum that allows our initial training to funnel in $200+/week each on a total investment of $10 or less within our first two weeks, and a master command of these psychic skills within two months, allowing us to generate $2000+/week with these skills. All this shall be gained while the health, welfare, homeostasis, safety and well-being of my family and friends remains in a pleasurable, comfortable, and biologically vital state.”

[The rest of the details are in the following post, read them to get a better idea of how these two hope to accomplish their work, and how leverage might be applied.]

As usual, do the working(s) you feel suited to the task at hand. Suggested entities include but are not limited to Bune, Vassago and Sastan. However, they request specifically “please, no Loa”.

  1. Defectron - general happiness / well-being
    (approximate dates 4/25 - 4/30)

“I’m thinking my request will probably be like what Zoe’s was in the first one, to bring more prosperity and happiness into my life”

link to Zoe’s request

This is pretty broad spectrum, so use the tools you feel appropriate to this task. Suggested entities might include Hent’yos from BoA, and any others you feel are well-suited toward happiness and prosperity.

The details for HGA-7-5’s working:

[quote=“HGA-7-5”]“It is my will that my older brother Metatron777 (nickname) and I, HGA-7-5, receive a boost and steadily rising momentum in the development of our psychic faculties, such that we are swiftly able to consistently, week-after-week, funnel to ourselves $2000+/week each using games of chance such as, but not limited to, the Pick-3 Lottery, lottery, black jack, poker, dice, or sports betting, using no more than $40 total investment. Such boost strengthens all training with such skills, including bonds with spirits and training devised by ourselves. As it strengthens the results of our training, it in turn gains strength from our efforts, so much so that it carries momentum that allows our initial training to funnel in $200+/week each on a total investment of $10 or less within our first two weeks, and a master command of these psychic skills within two months, allowing us to generate $2000+/week with these skills. All this shall be gained while the health, welfare, homeostasis, safety and well-being of my family and friends remains in a pleasurable, comfortable, and biologically vital state.”

[Explanation from convo with Metatron777]
In this way, we are taking something, in this case a boost or momentum stream and adding it to the consistent work we are already doing and are continuing to grow, rather than using the ritual to generate permanent changes. The reason I find this to be a bit simpler than it may appear is because something like a Pick 3 only needs to be won once a week for such results to come in for the following reasons:

  1. Smaller number pool
  2. Multiple ways of winning
  3. Smaller winning pots. This may not seem like a big things, but is actually the reason why you only need to play once. The pick 3 winnings are below the winning number required to file a claim form. Because of this, I can buy a ticket using the same winning number at several different locations. In this way, one winning number can be multiplied ad infinitum, so it really only takes one/week to achieve the goal.

I am fine with any spirits, except Voodoo Loa. I don’t want what I am doing being tied with that stream of magic, simply because I don’t like the paradigm it follows. My brother has an affinity and history with Sastan and Vassago, since Vassago predicts the future, while I have affinity with Bune, which would be useful in terms of the the monetary. However, don’t feel confined to them, and this is primarily a goal for psychic work, with the idea of using these abilities to generate money, although certainly not exclusive to money goals. Just no Loa[/quote]

… And that’s it! Another round of workings nearing completion!

If you have any closing rituals you would like to do, such as thanking your entities, finishing any two-part rituals, etc. then you should do them soon as well.