Most of us are familiar with taokua’s writing style, so I feel it is appropriate, to both get an idea of what he is looking for and to make a connection to him for the working, to give an expanded version of his request:
[quote=“taokua”][The workings are to provide aid in whatever form necessary towards the following goal. The aid may be in the form of insight, networking connections, opportunities, seed capital, oversight by goal-working entities, etc.]
"It is my will that I create significant and meaningful business holdings, locating and working with associates knowledgeable in this areas . This work and these companies must be compatible with myself and my magickal practice and the overall developmental flow, and into the appropriately ideal social-marketplace locations.”
"As I ReVeal more of MySelf to my self, I experience more “magic” in my life, and encounter more opportunities/insights, but as that happens I feel a deep-drive to disconnect and “keep my head down” socially- vs “being seen” ~take a stand, which creates problems in starting a business. In the past I’ve worked as an employee in small and large co, part of a self-employed team, assisting actions others, as well as putting together deals that would operate as “a going-concern” -and yet each such option stream has dried-up and invalidated.
I sense I either need nearly-completely shutdown my magical-side (and thus that aura-of-otherness); which seems to be something I can't get myself to do.. or I need find a way to establish an entrepreneural structure that will allow my trainings and practices (and work with that aura-of-otherness, preferably augmented by it), which I hadn't found a way to do previously. Specifically there is a week long event I desire to attend near the end of April, as well as living-arrangments change, which opens up my relocating. -the key being time-freedom and time-flexibility. Ideally the (re-)contacting with those that have contacts and financial account logistics, finding those looking for someone with "skills I have" to help setup an "ongoing concern" that will then by maintained and earn from..
which I would/will use my BALG-devel to assist and augment (as I did a while back, but I became stuck at some point: can’t go fwd, can’t stay where at, and Can’t Go Back… need to SEE more clearly and ReVeal another option?)
I have had a strong sense that there is something I can see-sense but I’m not clearly aware of (either subconsciously cognitive-block, or something isn’t clicking) that is a missing-piece on how my magickal awareness and related magickal presence should tie into my “social-environment” interactions. Year before I did my “working” or self-employment separated from Magic working, yet over time I could separate them less and less. and as time goes by the affect of the aura continues all the time
Since I’m not a teacher, consultant, nor “do on behalf of” - I need to find a way to financially receive while doing the arts; the aura I create around me when I practice affects and influences all, even in off-time, as well as I see more consequences, more choices become unacceptable/unavailable to my inner-knowing (and less able to “just do it anyway” and some action is needed; all options seem unavailable.). To the degree I am contacted-connected in Enviro by those involved in such operations presently, as well as psychologically (and psychically) releasing WhatEver blocks I have to this.
Whatever- as this needs to fully change (or else no longer be an issue pushing me to change it- either way)."”””[/quote]