FWB II: Calendar Thread (look here for assignments)

Here is the planning calendar for FWB II. In this thread, I will post the current working and any needed organizational material.

Please do not comment in this thread unless I specifically ask you to.

Any discussion can happen via private message or in the FWB II thread:

Looking forward to a powerful November!

I’m going to try the scheduling a bit differently this time. It seemed that a number of people had a hard time with the every-two-days planning, so this time, I will try to give a week worth of workings at a time, so people can work ahead as needed. Due to the power some feel Halloween has, I’ll give you several workings extra in case you want to use that period to do a number of them.

To begin the project, we will seek the blessing, guidance, and empowerment of one or more entities who would be good allies for us as a group.

Last time, the group used Azazel. I think this is appropriate for many of us. I also think Metatron would be good for those of the angelic bent, and Djin (the fire king) for those who lean toward the elements - all of these entities are interested in furthering advancement, so should be good patrons for our working group. If you work with other spirits who would be especially good for this, you may evoke them instead.

1st operation of the 1st Week (starting the week of Halloween)
– Evoke your entity of choice for the benefit of the whole group. The request is to ask the entity to bless, guide, and empower the project to its conclusion.

– Then, you will work down the list in the order they are presented. You will have between two and three workings per week, and they should be available at least a week in advance. I will suggest 2-3 day blocks to keep you on track, but it is up to you to be self-driven and not fall behind. Note that you do not have to perform evocation to participate; while evocation is recommended, any working that you feel is most suited to the task may be used. You may even use multiple workings for each task if you are so inclined.

– Once the project has come to its conclusion, you will evoke the same entity you called at the onset of the project. You will thank the entity for their guidance over the month as well as for continuing to shape developments which will take longer to reach their conclusion. If desired, you may also be inclined to reflect over your workings under the guidance of said entity.

Modeled from the original “Help Each Other Thread”, go here to see the suggested entities tailored to various requests:

The original FWB thread, where the idea came up and the discussion followed:

Current Set of Workings: (to be completed by Nov. 9th)

– You should be well underway on the first list of names.
– The second list of names is posted for next week.

For research and planning purposes, here is the ordered list of names and the general type of help they seek.

Planning list:

  1. Trucomallica - physical healing for an individual
  2. PyreOD - securing a suitable job
  3. defectron - help on the path to power (persons/entities/objects)
  4. Nereid - healing/improvement of psychic abilities
  5. Virdon Djinn - acquisition of a needed item
  6. redcircle - physical healing for an individual
  7. Soundwave - the all-around success of a creative project
  8. Frater Apotheosis - spiritual/psychic development
  9. Narcoleptic Dream - healing (psychiatric) [most likely]
  10. Kitari - well-rounded means to financial stability for magickal working
  11. Ryan - boost/growth of psychic abilities, spec. deliberate soul travel
  12. blackpheonix - TBA

Here is the first working: (to be completed by Nov. 3rd)

1st operation of the 1st Week (starting the week of Halloween)
– Evoke your entity of choice for the benefit of the whole group. The request is to ask the entity to bless, guide, and empower the project to its conclusion.

So, we will seek the blessing, guidance, and empowerment of one or more entities who would be good allies for us.

Last time, the group used Azazel. I think this is appropriate for many of us. I also think Metatron would be good for those of the angelic bent, and Djin (the fire king) for those who lean toward the elements - all of these entities are interested in furthering advancement, so should be good patrons for our working group. If you work with other spirits who would be especially good for this, you may evoke them instead.

“Like” this post to acknowledge that you have started the project.

First batch of names: (to be completed by 11/9/2012)

Alright everyone, here is the first batch of names. I’m giving it to you early so that you can use the potential power of Halloween and the moon cycle and all that. If you don’t care about those things, then just use the suggested dates.

The first list of names, to be completed by 11/9/2012:

  1. Trucomallica - physical healing for an individual
    (approximate dates 11/1 - 11/2)

“My request would be to free my mother of all her pains and medical conditions. She has like a chronic pain in her lower back and something like a benign tumoral mass inside her forehead that the pills the doc is giving her haven’t been able to make it dissapear. If the tumoral mass remains there for too long, surgery is needed, and is kinda risky.”

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Rantka – KoF; Hent’yos, Ant’harratu, or Mak’ta’lahn from BoA; Raphael - EE or many other sources.

  1. PyreOD - securing a suitable job
    (approximate dates 11/4 - 11/5)

“Financial success/improvement, particularly in securing a suitable job. Ideally, a position that is suitable to my passions and who I am as an individual, with an income that will allow me to continue living in a sustainable manner with some extra for personal use/recreation.” If a job has already materialized, then it will shift to fill the above requirements.

Evocation suggestion: HALAH’THOR – BoA

  1. defectron - help on the path to power (persons/entities/objects)
    (approximate dates 11/6 - 11/7)

“Bring into my life any person/entity/thing that will help me get more power that I can handle.” Note the qualifier “that I can handle” in your working.

Evocation suggestions: Azazel – EE & BoA / Raziel & Metatron – EE

  1. Nereid - reconnect ESP / improve psychic abilities
    (approximate dates 11/8 - 11/9)

Something happened about a year ago which shut down her ESP. She wants a general improvement/repair of her psychic abilities, and to clear any blockages which may be impeding progress.

Evocation suggestions: Paralda (air king) – EE p. 125 /Sastan (seership) – KoF p. 86 / Baltator (sight) – KoF p. 85

Quick update: NarcolepticDream asked that I cancel his current request so he can rework something different. As such, I bumped him down the list, and moved Nereid up. Please make note and adjust your calendars if necessary.

Hello FWB-2 participants.

I have suggested that one of the entities that may be useful to ask for blessing or guidance for this project is the planetary spirit of Jupiter, Bethor.

This spirit has been very helpful to me very recently procurring job offers for my partner and the nature of the Jupiter energies are geared towards gains/fortune and protection, which seems very much in alignment with many of the requests.

The sigil for this entity can be found on pg. 84 of The Psionic Grimoire and there are the several Seals of Jupiter in that book as well;


Best of Luck,

Virdon Djinn


I will have to withdraw from FWB2.

With the Mastering Divination course coming out in 2 days and other commitments I doubt I will be able to give FWB2 the propper attention it deserves right now.

I will look to FWB3, if it happens, and be in on that if the timing is better.


Thanks for the heads up. Good luck with your other projects.

I’d like to keep this thread organizational only, please direct further comments to here:


Seems like everything is moving along well. I’ll try to post the next three later on today.

Second batch of names: (to be completed by 11/16/2012)

Here’s the second batch. The rest of the names will come much quicker as we don’t have the head start we did last time. There will be three names each week, and I’ll try to give at least a few days early. As always, you can work ahead, but I will give suggested dates as well.

  1. Virdon Djinn - a new bbq grill
    (approximate dates 11/11 - 11/12)

Needs a new bbq grill – would like this one: [url=http://www.weberbbq.com.au/ProductPage.php?pc=k1421024]Welcome to the world of BBQ | Official Weber® Website - or a similar high-quality bbq grill.

You may use whatever means you feel best suited to the task - whether an infusion of cash to cover the purchase, winning a drawing, summoning it directly from the depths. Here are some suggestions for evocation: Djin - EE (Djin for a grill, get it? :wink: - really any entity or working suited to the task should be fine.

  1. redcircle - healing for another
    (approximate dates 11/13 - 11/14)

My father is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s/dementia, and I would like to halt the progress of the disease. He also has some other health conditions, including chronic back pain, and cardiovascular issues. Optimally, he will be restored to full health from all conditions. But most importantly, he will live the extent of his life with his dignity and personality intact, that he will not be lost to the dementia. So tailor your healing to this effect.

I know at least some of you would prefer to have a photo and a name. His name is Robert, and here is a pic: [url=http://imgur.com/aMxYR]http://imgur.com/aMxYR[/url]

Evocation suggestions: Rantka (healing) – KoF / Raphael - EE and others / Hent’yos & Ant’harratu & Mak’ta’lahn – BoA

  1. Soundwave - financial/prestige/marketing success of a creative project
    (approximate dates 11/15 - 11/16)

"The workings [are] to be channeled towards the success of a project I have been working on.
I am currently putting together a series of painting and sculptures depicting my visions and experiences from my occult practices and altered states of consciousness. The next stage is to put together a gallery showing and then hopefully build some hype. So the idea for rituals would be to align the stars, open the gates, clear the path and etc and so forth to make the showing as successful as possible.”

Of course you may find other workings or entities more specific to your interpretation, but here are some suggested entities to work with: Lukorst (wealth) – KoF / Ghob (earth king - investment) – EE / Ant’harratu – BoA / HALAH’THOR – BoA

Third batch of names: (to be completed by 11/23/2012)

Here’s the third batch, because I know you’re thirsty for more. :wink:

  1. Frater Apotheosis - dealing with spirits to strengthen spiritual powers
    (approximate dates 11/18 - 11/19)

The FWB project has shifted his priorities for the better, and he has really gotten fired up by the workings thus far, as such, he has changed his request for the group.

He would like to deal with spirits to help strengthen his spiritual powers/vision/telepathy.

The goal of the enhancement is to first gain confidence to take on the Kingdoms of Flame with a small group of magicians, as part of a larger project to change his life to be centered around magickal workings. As this is a broad-type working, suggestions for how this can be accomplished may include:

  • structure his life so that these things are at the forefront
  • open up psychic & spiritual abilities, specifically vision/telepathy; clear any blockages
  • put people, objects, entities on his path to accelerate his growth
  • demolish any obstacles in his path to godhood

Suggested entities for evocation: Raziel - EE / Azazel - BoA or EE / Paralda - EE; or others as needed.

  1. NarcolepticDream - healing for self
    (approximate dates 11/20 - 11/21)

Wants a restful, natural sleep cycle. To have a rejuvenating sleep that wont leave him tired all the time. And to be guided in conquering/healing whatever part of the mind/emotion is keeping him crippled by the cataplexy/narcolepsy. To lessen the effect of or totally heal the debilitating aspects of narcolepsy/cataplexy.

He suggested the following entities, because he has been working with them already (but don’t feel constrained by this list): Rantka – KoF, Raphael – EE, Hent’yos – BoA. He also though any of the elemental kings from EE could be useful, as the body is comprised of elements.

Other suggestions include: Ant’harratu & Mak’ta’lahn – BoA / Raziel - EE.

(He also has a few reference urls for his condition, I’ll post in main thread.)

  1. Kitari - Financial stability for a higher purpose
    (approximate dates 11/22 - 11/23)

He wants: "Financial stability to the point where I can begin to focus on my magickal practice seriously again” – multiple avenues of approach are welcome, including a total overhaul in his financial means.

Suggested entities include: Ant’harratu, Pent’osch, HALAH’THOR, Lae’ti’kohl – BoA / Ghob (earth king) – EE / Raziel (clearing obstacles) - EE / Lukorst (wealth) – KoF

Final batch of names: (to be completed by 11/30/2012)

Here’s the last batch of names. Don’t be in a panic if you aren’t ready yet, you still have the rest of the month to complete them all. I think everyone has been making good progress for the most part, so just keep working.

  1. Ryan - soul travel
    (approximate dates 11/25 - 11/26)

“I’ve left my body a few times, but not intentionally.” Wants a general boost to his psychic abilities, with an emphasis on achieving deliberate soul travel, while also clearing any blockages that might be impeding him.

Suggested entities: Paralda (air king) – EE / Raziel (obstacles) - EE / Thalos (projection) – KoF; any others you feel would be appropriate.

  1. blackpheonix
    (approximate dates 11/27 - 11/28)

“I would like more wealth and I would like this to come from me teaching these [occult/energy] skill sets to other people. That way I can set my own hours and the people come to me.”

So, workings could be tailored to bringing power and knowledge onto the path to further the cause of becoming a teacher. Working could also be toward bringing wealth and success, so that more freedom is available for acquiring said knowledge and jumping off into the task. And of course, you may also use your creativity to solve this task.

Suggested entities: Azazel, Bethor, Paralda, Lukorst, or any others you feel suited to use for the task.

This concludes the tasking. However, note that many of these workings will take more work to really see fruition. If you feel a need to continue workings toward one or more of these goals, feel free to do so. I know a number of you have expressed a desire to keep working on a particular task, as it felt like there was more work to be done. I agree - you are honing your magickal intuition, and it is telling you that you have not finished yet. So listen to it.