Fun with Psychic Control

This is a technique I put together drawing influence from several different techniques and my own experiences. It incorporates hypnosis and visualization techniques on a psychic level. Don’t let the simplicity fool you. It works very well. This is more for mental influencing and psychic control rather than cursing and causing suffering.

This should be practiced when you think your target is sleeping.

Sit in a meditative posture and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and let go of any tension. Raise your eyes up to the point between the eyebrows, the third eye center and keep them there for the duration.

Imagine a blank screen floating in front of you. Imagine the number 14 on the screen and mentally say to yourself, “I am at level 14”. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, mentally say the words, “deeper and deeper” and you feel yourself sinking both physically and mentally.

Repeat this cycle until you reach level 7. You should be at a Theta level, or at least a deep Alpha if you haven’t really practiced going into deep trance before.

Visualize your target with your hand on their chest. Actually feel the sensation in your mind of your hand against their chest.

Now mentally start talking to your target with your hand on their chest. If you don’t know what their room and bed looks like, just make a guess, but the important thing is you visualize them as clearly as you can.

Tell them commands in 3rd person. For example, “Give N. a promotion at work” or “You find N. very attractive and want to have hot nasty sex with them” or whatever your goal is. You may also send actual visualized scenes of an end result to them as well, but it is not necessary.

Practice about 10-15 minutes every night until you see the effects.



Nice post Bittertoot, I’ve heard of a similar practice but never had it broke down before. Much appreciated.


thank you!

but i’m just wondering - what’s with the levels? you got some nasty trance inducing system?

I think its meant to signify brain wave hertz


oh… is this the night of ideas or what!

now i’ll go and try entering trance before doing dark meditation.

visualizing levels as Hz! from 21 to 5! experimenting like having a look inside the control panel in the brain! slowing down… slooooowing down…

thanks guys!!

Thanks for sharing this, Bitterroot. I’m going to try it tonight.

This was one of the first successes I ever had with magic, back in the dabbling days. Learned it from the Silva method (which was too tacky for me, but got results).

The trick is to create in yourself the feeling you want them to have and send them images of how you will look to them from their point of view. It’s helpful to have planned what you’re going to wear the next time they see you, so you can shape the image exactly.

The very first spirits that came into contact with me used the hand-to-chest connection and I could definitely understand them better when they did. Never thought of employing it myself. Thanks for the tip…

[quote=“Sultitan_Itan, post:7, topic:1065”]This was one of the first successes I ever had with magic, back in the dabbling days. Learned it from the Silva method (which was too tacky for me, but got results).

The trick is to create in yourself the feeling you want them to have and send them images of how you will look to them from their point of view. It’s helpful to have planned what you’re going to wear the next time they see you, so you can shape the image exactly.

The very first spirits that came into contact with me used the hand-to-chest connection and I could definitely understand them better when they did. Never thought of employing it myself. Thanks for the tip…[/quote]

I’ve had good success using that method for love spells. See yourself through the target’s eyes being irresistible, feel the target burning with desire for you.

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You can also do it while gazing into flames, like candles.
It will work even more good if you use Magnet Oil on the candle.

When I tried this it was hard to not scry the black screen. Images kept popping in to replace the numbers. Part of this, I suppose, is I had a teacher show me to scry by sitting iin an astral temple and have a blank tv (she used an old fashioned black and white one) and we would see what came across the screen.
Anyway, I will keep at this.

sounds like a vulcan mind meld with the touching and the sending of impressions etc.

i’ve never heard of this before, but the star trek metaphor makes it completely doable. i’m gonna try this tonight and let you know how it goes. however, i am on some sleeping pills and i woin’t remember writing this come the morning, so i’ll have to stumble across it again before i remember was i was supposed to do (as in post about my experiences).


To clarify - it allows them to speak in audible words instead of mental impressions. There was one spirit that, the first time it approached me, I could kind of hear a voice but my mind “garbled” what it was saying. I just wanted to make that distinction because some of the Nethers, for example, can send ideas so clearly that it’s practically the same as speaking. In my experiences, the sound was like someone speaking directly in my ear.

You might want to be careful who you use this on because they might recognize your voice.

I know you can use the Magical Imagination or scrying mirror to call people up and question them, and I have influenced people indirectly with the MI, but this area of experimentation is all very new to me. Other people have said that you can use evocations into a mirror to bind and manipulate people, though, and it seems pretty likely to me.

bitterroot (or anyone else)…

what’s the probability of this working? or, what’s the percentage success rate? 50/50? 75%+?

obviously it comes down to the skill of the magician, but i was just wondering about a ballpark figure. and how many repetitions are usually required when it works well, and how many when it works poorly?

i’m just looking for a consensus on a baseline by which i can gauge my own progress.


What I am wondering, and this isn’t banefully speaking (well this post wasn’t entirely baneful anyway), couldn’t you use this ability to teach a person something, or perhaps program suggestions that could accelerate the development of certain skills? Obviously, it would probably have to be a skill the person is already training to learn, but couldn’t his be used to help an individual be more inclined towards something like astral projection, clairvoyance, altered mind states, etc.,?

Maybe it could even be self-imposed, programming the energy body to break blockages at an accelerated rate. Idk, just thinking about various applications beyond what might normally be thought of.

If Bitterroot can chime in on this I would love to get some insight!

Using levels was to help the mind to learn to imagine going from Beta to Alpha to Theta, but if you already do that through other techniques, use that method by all means.

The point is to make sure you are in Theta before you commence with the technique. If visualization does not come easy then you are most likely not in Theta.

Also, you should have mastered the ability to hold one image in your mind for longer periods of time.

How effective the end result is really depends on the target, your ability to concentrate, your emotional connection with the target, and on and on. If they are diligent in protecting themselves before they sleep, then it’ll probably be quite a challenge. Success can take anywhere from a few days up to a couple months. If they have strong beliefs that are cemented into their unconscious that goes against what you are commanding them, it will take time to chip away at that. It’s not really a matter of failure, but of persistance and dedication.

Connecting to other Chakras can be used for different effects.

What this technique really boils down to is a form of psychic hypnosis. So the suggestions or commands can be positive as well. Although, if self-imposed, there are better methods than this.

Sultitan_Itan brings up a good point. If the target is sensitive enough, they may recognize your presence. But if they do, I suppose if they had no experience with magic or such phenomena, they may just put it down as a weird dream, etc.

Could you tell us more about using the other chakras? Which different effects could you get?