Full Moon multiple rituals

So since it is the last night of the full moon I am going to take advantage and do multiple rituals. I will post them when I have completed them. :metal:

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Moved into journal section.

No worries I was going to add the main rituals into the journal section

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Cool. I like your posts.
Wellā€¦ i did one simple sigil little ritual with the energy of the fullā€¦ Other than that i just told my servitors to feed on it. Strengthen themselves in it. I suppose iā€™ll see the results the next few days

Thank youā€¦sigil magick is also powerfulā€¦tbh any kind of magick is powerful when the right intent is used. I have been researching about creating servitors earlier on and you have mentioned thatā€¦I love these synchronicities :rofl::metal:

servitors are very usefulā€¦ and they can get quite good at what they doā€¦ specially when they dont have to deal with peopleā€¦ The ones who do have to deal with the wills of doings of people can acchieve some amazing mind blowing resultsā€¦ then other times you go ā€œSIGHHHHHHā€¦ you were so close what happened?ā€ā€¦ but i guess magick as a whole can be like that at times