Full Haures Invocation To Cause Suicide/Destruction Of Target (Curio Only)

Somebody messaged me today following my suggestion that a forum member work with Haures to destroy an enemy. I was asked how exactly I was able to call on this fierce and destructive Demon so successfully?

Here is what I did and if you do it I practically guarantee you’ll get similar results:

Stand completely naked in a mirror chamber. I created one myself. Mirrors are gateways. I didn’t even use black mirrors, just large ordinary mirrors. They were not even consecrated.

So now you are standing naked in your chamber that is framed in mirrors.

Lay out an inverse pentagram and evoke whatever Demonic Chiefs your divination says you need. I think at the time I did not even do that, I had my pentagram and recited a full invocation of Set until I felt myself Set. (Hail the Prince)

At the edges of the pentagram I recommend 5 black candles, not merely for visual effect, but also because fire as an element is another gateway into the Demonic.

Place Haures’ sigil in the center. Perhaps have an image of the Demon in his original vision as a horrible and evil looking cat alongside the sigil to aid your visualization. If you prefer the JOS version of a blonde female, then well…please skip this thread this is for adults.

Stand within a triangle of manifestation. Be creative in how you create this. Let your intuition or a divination with Haures guide you.

Next, you should of course be performing this at night, preferably around Midnight. At the time when I did it I did not even care about the constellations or the Moon, but I would recommend a waning Moon if you want to reduce your enemy or a waxing one if you want to give him an illness or something such as that.

Next, because this is an invocation, we want to make it easy for the Demon to possess us, right!?

Ideally take some stimulant like caffeine, or simple coffee, that will make you a little trembly, a bit fearful even. Next open your windows and let the cold in (hopefully its winter if not don’t worry but make sure you don’t do this in a desert unless you’re wearing shoes, else the scorpions might destroy you). Have some incense burning for visual effect and also to bring the Air element into play.

Haures seems to be attracted by a little fear. Plus, this helps to unsettle your aura a little and enable Him to enter your body more easily. It is perhaps not the safest ritual, but effective as Hell. There are those who do these rituals calmly and get little result.

Next, call out his demonic enn until you enter further into a trance. You can dance or drum or wirl around while doing so.

The enn: “Ganic Tasa Fubin Haures / Flauros” x 1000 times or so, or choose a number you prefer such as 666 or 333.

You should look around you as you do so while visualizing Haures. You should see your image all throughout the mirror chamber, dozens, even hundreds of times reflected throughout the mirror matrix. Eventually it will appear as though there is something else there, lurking in the background…because there is.

Sacrifice blood and hail and honor the Demon like you are extremely happy to see Him, but in a serious way. If you haven’t done this it is a little hard to describe. It is basically like seeing an old friend again after a long time, but not some retard, no, a very serious and extreme friend who is able to destroy your opposition.

Continue to call Him until you really feel his presence. This is a very characteristic feeling occasionally accompanied by…say a window crashing next door in the midst of total silence. It is not really gradual, it should happen suddenly and be a very distinct moment during which you feel the Demon taking possession of you.

Allow him to enter your body (so yea this is actually a full Demonic Invocation I’m luring you into here and it can be dangerous).

allow him to take over your whole being and TRUST the Demon.

If you do this successfully, you will temporarily change, your voice will become the Demons voice and you should not have control over it. It should be very difficult to control your body. Allow the Demon to take over and manipulate your target links (such as a voodoo doll of the target). Whatever He then does, WILL HAPPEN to your target. Make sure that you spend a week or so beforehand building that doll or magical link to the target. Why? So the connection is powerful. It’s like tuning into the right channel on a radio.

After the Demon is done destroying your enemy you can make a pact if you want. You can ask Him for example to destroy your enemies and He will respond by say: “All your enemies will fall before you I will annihilate them with my FIRE”. But do ask Him what he wants in return, if he wants anything. Thank the Demon and hope that he’ll leave.

That’s how I did it and not only did it destroy the actual target, I also got another target who has his same name (a famous investigator) who committed suicide the same week, which created a major media scandal and conspiracy. I personally believe that a large amount of conspiracy theories are actually based on Demonic activity, because they love to create this Drama in Humans, and leave a little mystery to mindfuck the masses.

Hail Haures!

Oh and, HAIL The Prince Of Darkness :wink:


Thank you for posting this.

You’re welcome.

Another thing I did not mention is:

Do not simply keep the altered and destroyed Voodoo doll around your place. This is now your enemy, altered by Haures Himself during a full possession.

I would for example hang the doll somewhere on top of a tree in a forest known for suicide. Or dispose of it at a graveyard, or at a crossroads, or behind a hospital.



[quote=“ascendeddescender, post:3, topic:6834”]You’re welcome.

Another thing I did not mention is:

Do not simply keep the altered and destroyed Voodoo doll around your place. This is now your enemy, altered by Haures Himself during a full possession.

I would for example hang the doll somewhere on top of a tree in a forest known for suicide. Or dispose of it at a graveyard, or at a crossroads, or behind a hospital.

BE CREATIVE.[/quote]

Ahhh, icing on the cake. ; )

LoL :-)… JoS suggest to use Flauros during a weird banishing ritual. Blessing his/her sigil and put it in a frame like a sort of christian holy picture…

Anyway did you do any sigil magick before attempting the invocation? I mean,that was your very first contact with him?

The first time this invocation was performed was around 5 years ago. It was the first time I made absolutely clear and unmistakable contact with the entity that produced results that are beyond most ordinary Magician’s comprehension.

Did I do sigil Magic before attempting the invocation? How is that relevant. Do you think that by doing sigil Magic before attempting an invocation the invocation becomes more powerful? Like: “Let’s do a sigil to get a job, maybe Haures will show up tomorrow if Mc Donald’s accept my application”

You can use additional sigils in the invocation, but I recommend charging them in advance and perhaps consecrating your mirrors using those. You can also give your charge to the entity using a sigil. But manipulating the poppet while in full possession is perhaps more powerful. Plus I find that while in full possession, your gateway to the subconscious is open and you do not require sigils to access it.

To use more fancy terminology: Your subjective/objective universes are perfectly merged during that time if you’re doing it right. You are “In the zone”. That is why this kind of Magic is extremely powerful with very strong effects.

But anyways, I want to hear from people who actually do it - all the way.

Too often there’s internet Magicians who go “I f*cking called on Haures yesterday, I could see Him yo, but I overpowered Him and He got scared of me yo he said its because I do power meditation and I overpower Him yo…this ritual is a joke yo.”


Ps: You could use a sigil to exit the possession. Possession can be scary, as your body is in fact taken over by another being, or perhaps a fragmented part of your unconscious if you want to use that theory (I choose to believe in the former, that there actually are independent Demons). If you have not experienced it, it is difficult to describe. To use a metaphor: It is as though a hacker accesses your computer and you now only play a minor role in running it. Often your only way to get out is to reboot the computer/body, hence why a lot of people/bodies lose consciousness. You might also need an anti virus / good cleansing afterwards.

When you wake up it’s like “Holy Sh*t this was real!!!” but then …you don’t really have proof until your results roll in. That said, if it was “that real” to you, then results will come fast, you can be sure of that.


No I’m not that kind of Internet Magician.
As because there are tons of different kind of opinions regarding the Goetia spirits I have always approached them gradually.In fact I have worked with very fews of them. For my experience they are not the blond fairies of light described by JoS,but they showed to me with anthropomorfous masculine aspect.
I do not like any charging or consacrating stuff in general.
But I think that there is a very subtle bound between sigil magick and evocation/invocation.
I’m not scared about being possessed. It happened to me a couple of times. And it was like: wtf I’m 10 feet tall? Let me check the mirror! When you are at stake there’'s no space for being scared or whatever. By the way I still want to feel the entity before going in depth with it.

Not to hurt your feelings but even a sigil = consecration. Or do your sigils not serve any special purpose? Then they probably don’t work very well.

“Consecration is the solemn dedication to a special purpose or service, usually religious. The word consecration literally means “association with the sacred”. Persons, places, or things can be consecrated, and the term is used in various ways by different groups.”

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That sounds like a lexical diatribe. Sorry English is not my naive language. In general I think that sigils open and empower something in the magician subconscious mind. I know somebody do the opposite.
I think that a piece of paper can not store or direct energy.
Anyway the magical energy flux in your baneful work is much more complex but intriguing!

[quote=“mmm, post:10, topic:6834”]In general I think that sigils open and empower something in the magician subconscious mind. I know somebody do the opposite.
I think that a piece of paper can not store or direct energy.
Anyway the magical energy flux in your baneful work is much more complex but intriguing![/quote]

We are not talking about storing energy in a piece of paper although that is possible as anybody who knows anything about Magic knows. A Magician can “store energy” in any-thing, including your body and all parts thereof. (See Bardon on the Akasha principle)

And yes sigils exist to focus the Magician’s Will. The very creation of a sigil is the consecration of an (often but not always arbitrary) symbol to a specific purpose. Thus a very obvious form of consecration.

I will from here on within this thread only respond to interested Magicians actually performing the ritual (which works and is proven to work). I no longer respond to beginners/occultnik questions/comments within this thread as this distracts from the actual topic of the invocation of the Demon (which is too cool and awesome to distract from). These off topic issues will be addressed briefly via PM to help beginners along. But at the end of the day, you cannot advance in Magic without studying and doing the work

Thanks for your understanding.


Interesting thread…

I have never worked with Haures. So I cannot comment on the specifics of familiarity you have acquired first hand. However, the ritual you use hss been useful to me and I thought I would share operator notes in that regard…

(a) The “Chamber of Mirrors” you mention is effective and time tested. Working with large mirrors within my Sorcery Lab has been difficult at times as they are unwieldy and heavy. The results are so very worth the effort however.

(b) The caffeine and lowering the room temperature to the point of being very cold idea is interesting as a combination. The cold is my one dislike in rituals of darkness, but I use this a great deal and it too works well. The caffeine however - I have never heard of as a tool in the intentional psycho drama we create. Interesting idea.

© Not to be contrary for the sake of disagreements alone - but I avoid the use of “fear” as a working tool. Without offering an exhaustive argument - the negatives (loss of control, concentration, sending an offering of real or apparent weakness) would seem to be counterproductive(?) at best. I assume you feel strongly otherwise and I am interested in your reasons s for endorsing this method.

(d) The Star of the Magi or inverted pentegram from inspired items rings true for me, as I have found the use of flat industrial Iron bars and massive circular Iron rings very rewarding. I use these items to create the triangle of manifestation as well.

(e) The 1000x use of the Enns I agree is essential, if not in representing the exact number in describing the patience and long dedication needed by the operator.

(f) The physical onslaught of possession is the most interesting point to me. Clearly, Demons are intellects and personalities separate from that of the operator - and they react accordingly (unpredictably) as well in my experience.

(g) As a final point, the rebooting you mentioned is vital. The course salt water bath and scrub is always welcome after hours in the Lab in ritual. Exhaustion is unavoidable if the rituals were executed correctly - and sleep demands itself upon me. However…

My only addition would be that I journal EVERYTHING. I cannot rely on my memory to recall the finest points of the experience later. This has proven very interesting and revealing in the rereading at later dates. (Cannot endorse this enough.) But I have NEVER had the strength to be able to journal immediately afterward (or bath to be honest about it) - thus I collapse on the ritual floor and pass out more often than not. I am sure that Journaling hours later when I wake costs my records dearly. Do you experience this? If so, how do you deal with it?


[quote=“RL, post:12, topic:6834”]Interesting thread…

Comparing operator notes -

© Not to be contrary for the sake of disagreements alone - but I avoid the use of “fear” as a working tool. Without offering an exhaustive argument - the negatives (loss of control, concentration, sending an offering of real or apparent weakness) would seem to be counterproductive(?) at best. I assume you feel strongly otherwise and I am interested in your reasons s for endorsing this method.

My only addition would be that I journal EVERYTHING. I cannot rely on my memory to recall the finest points of the experience later. This has proven very interesting and revealing in the rereading at later dates. (Cannot endorse this enough.) But I have NEVER had the strength to be able to journal immediately afterward (or bath to be honest about it) - thus I collapse on the ritual floor and pass out more often than not. I am sure that Journaling hours later when I wake costs my records dearly. Do you experience this? If so, how do you deal with it?[/quote]

Fear is one way of cutting off the conscious mind. So not only is it an emotion attuned with the Goetic entities that have been evoked under fearful circumstances for centuries, it is ideal for this type of invocation, as it both unsettles the aura, opens up the unconscious while blocking out conscious thought and objections. If you can bring yourself to fear, the whole thing immediately becomes very real, which is precisely what you want, the more realistic the experience is, the better. Part of blood sacrifice is also that respect/fear that one brings to the entity. It is a respectful type of fear, similar to how others fear gods. It is not the type of fear that leads one to rationalize “oh this is just in my mind nothing to worry about” kind of fear. That would be the opposite of what you are trying to go for here.

I agree that journaling is very important, mostly because if you die after a ritual, the Magicians after you should be able to find out what you did wrong. :wink: (that is also why some recommend keeping a fireproof journal).

Seriously though, I would recommend a voice recorder to record the most important points before you hit the pillows. You could use a voice recorder even for recording dreams in the middle of the night, when you cannot be bothered to switch on the lights and write in your diary.
Write everything down the next day when you are in a more comfortable state. The important thing is that the key points are recorded in the meantime, and voice recording is one of the simplest ways of doing that.

Thanks for the interesting questions hope that answered it


The voice recorder is - an excellent idea.

A surviving fireproof journal? (That caught me off guard made me laugh over my 2nd cup of coffee - just made my whole morning.) Because it’s not entirely a joke either…

For those who have problems working with the mirror set up.

Here is a suggestion:

Get one mirror that is about as tall as you are.
This will be one of your main invocation tools so you may use it only for that purpose. A mirror that is around 180cm tall costs about 50-100$. If you consider that you will be using it for years to perform invocations, it is an absolute bargain.

The reason the mirror is so useful is this: It reflects back your image in real time. You can modify the ritual slightly or experiment, gazing at yourself in the mirror while imagining that you are the Demon, with all its traditional characteristics. Once you enter trance, this can get very intense to the point that you can achieve full possession.

The reason I recommend a whole chamber of mirrors in the original post is a) that I use it myself and b) it has a special function which I’ll describe:

Those of you who have ever created a mirror box to mirror curses back at enemies will know the power of mirrors to operate energy.

The purpose of the mirrors in your chamber is to separate you from the outside world, but moreover to channel and preserve all the energy of your rite, including the Demon Himself, at the center of the chamber, where you are working.

Here is another piece of advice:
One thing you could do to protect your ritual chamber or whole building if you have a lot of mirrors, is to set them up in reverse, so as to project all energy back out and away from your place. So those of you who have a lot of mirrors standing around, or even merely 4 (for the cardinal directions), now have a powerful tool to curse those who want to curse you.


Great advice here. My closet doors are 2 mirror doors so this would work well for me. Thank you for posting.

Apparently this beast R.I.P. ([url=http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/cougar-bizarre-horn-teeth-head-found-idaho]http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/cougar-bizarre-horn-teeth-head-found-idaho[/url]) a cougar with teethlike horns through its head has been stalking through Idaho in recent weeks. It was discovered and shot recently.

Despite the fact that I think it is sad that it was shot, the trophy which will most likely be kept in the hunter’s home or in a local museum I presume, will serve as a nice manifestation base for Haures, in case anybody is able to track it down and visit it.

Read this: '“It’s a bizarre situation and a bizarre photo,” Lockyer added. “We may never know why those teeth are there.”

The cougar is still in the hands of the hunter, who plans to have the carcass stuffed and preserved by a taxidermist. However, Idaho Fish and Game hope to carry out a post-mortem and perform X-rays on the mountain lion to help come to a more solid conclusion.’

Demonic cats are on the rise, keep it up people. Do we have any readers from Idaho here?

Hail Haures

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So what happened to your enemy?

If one requires revenge without death, can Haures do this ?

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