Alright. I’ll bite. Where are you going with this? Very cool montage, btw. The Sun square threw me off, and so did the sigil of Azazel.
I linked a video and I will link some more here.
The history of Satan god’s alter ego.
Well, Azazel is Saturn, right?
I always thought of Yahweh as a Saturnian entity, because the Jewish holy day is Saturday. The teffilim used for trice a day recitation of the Shema (Hear O Israel, Yahweh is God, God alone, and you shall love Yahweh, your God, with all your heart, strength, and mind) is tied around the middle finger which is associated with Saturn in palmistry.
And there’s more, St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) a considered a Doctor (Teacher) in the Catholic Church, said that the God of the Jews was Saturn.
Isn’t Saturn our family planet?
I just finished watching the video. Very informative.
42:20 I died…!