From Azazel to Michael guardian demons and angels

Just curious how many people have worked with both angels and demons and if you’ve had negative or positive outcomes… I worked with darkness demons and Azazel for a long enough time and now switched with the light angels and Saint Michael… polar opposite sides of the coin from tails to heads from below to above… I can feel a major change in the energy surrounding me and within… it’s funny because most occultist work from light into darkness and I went the other direction…

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I’ve worked with both at the same time for over a year, it doesn’t matter

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You’d think they’d take issue working with the same soul but no it’s never that way…

Azazel was the one guarding me in darkness and now Michael is walking with me into the light… both angels but with different agendas…

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I work with both without issue. Their goals are the same, the elevation of the human to Godhood, but the way they each work towards that goal is different.


I work with both Michael and Lucifer.

Michael pointed me to Lucifer’s direction when he saw we weren’t connecting well because I mainly couldn’t get behind his beliefs or views.

I proudly converted to Luciferianism once things with Lucifer panned out (thank you Archangel Michael for your help).

Despite their history, it’s all positive. They even sometimes add onto advice that the other has given.


I have been feeling the pull from Lucifer pushing me towards Michael… even though scripture says they have battled before i feel like they are at peace with each other…

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From what I’ve seen, I think they are since their working together and exchanging people when they see a better match.

Plus there’s no point in holding a grudge for this long when it’s already been handled and things have been fixed in there own way.


I have always seen them as more like brothers who fight sometimes, because one is a goody goody and the other is the “bad” influence, but at the end of the day, they’re still kin so disagreements aren’t permanent. They might disagree about how something should be done but I think they each understand what the other is trying to accomplish.


In a way they are brothers angels including the fallen ones are all still kin with one another…


This couldn’t have been said any better.


They each had to pick a role

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I quite happily work with both and have done for a canny while now!
AA Michael is and has been my rock in hard times but also my arse-kicker!
And although Ive found some Angels to be a tad scarier than a few of the Demons I’ve met I do have a real affinity with them, I’ve never had to use a sigil or seal, just call their name and they come…


I’ve worked with both and haven’t had any problems.

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Yeah about that the angels actually have a more intense vibe than the demons do there are angels of death and war and the Bible flood was caused by an angel of destrucition and death…

I found two sigils for Saint Michael and a Catholic prayer for him I have a candle with his image on it and I can always buy more of them…

Nice! Good that you have a way of contacting him that works for you, do like that we’re all different.
As I said, I’ve always been lucky enough not to need anything to contact him…just his name.