Friend turned enemy. help me please

Long story short, A friend of sometime found out that I am weaker than him physically. So he started bullying me and threatening me if I don’t do whatever he says. I tried to cut off contact but he always comes and disrespectfully threatens me over and over. I need a proper help from someone experienced.

I am doing and following magic since 4 years. So I can say that what any one of you will suggest. I will be able to understand it 100%

Please guide.

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I really understand your situation, had the same one!

I can recommend you two rituals.

  1. If you know Magick very well, I think you know the book “Demons of Magick” by Gordon Winterfield. If you’re familiar with the rituals, just do the ritual to Andromalius, who has the powers to “bind your enemy that he cannot extort you” and “burn your enemies with fear of you”.
    I strongly recommend you doing the two separate rituals, with two separate petitions - that he cannot hurt you in any possible way, and that he fears you.

  2. In the past, I did simplier rituals, but this worked in THREE cases I did it (and I did it only three times). In most extremal case, a malicious guy that was unkind for me, fainted and fell down the stairs, heavily injuring his brain (I didn’t want such effect though…)
    This is a Mars ritual. You need three sigils:
    You can print it or draw it on a little piece of paper and put it on the plate. Also, you need to do a salt circle, because these spirits are really unpredictable.
    The best day for this ritual is Tuesday (Mars’ day), but we have Wednesday… But you can also do it on the Mars’ hour. You only need to check for the Mars’ hour in your location:
    When there’s the hour, you can start.
    Next, you need two candles - red and black, a toothpick, a piece of paper and a printed photo of your target - you can write his full name and date of birth on the photo.
    Take the red candle and draw the three sigils (without a table with numbers) on it. Then, take the black candle and write your target’s name.
    take a piece of paper and write (in your own words but with the first invocation)
    “O Mars! Let Bartzabel take care about target’s name. May he feel sick, faint, piss and shit in his pants everytime he thinks of me, sees me or gets close to me. Let it happen! Amen!”
    Burn the red candle, put it on the sigils. Then burn the black candle and put it on your target’s photo.
    Read the invocation three times, burn the paper in the RED candle’s flame, then visualise, as long as you can, the every possible effect of your ritual.
    After everything, let the candles burn out.
    Put the residues of the ritual (the rest of the candles, papers, salt) to a little bag, and if you can, try to put it near his house/apartment, so that it’s undetectable, If you can’t, just throw it to the trash can or bury in the ground (away from home!).

Good luck!


Call belial and fuck him up asap

Cut him off from your life and never talk to him again if possible. This can be solved without magick IMO.


Illuminate a black candle, channeling your intent to evoke within your target an infusion of adverse sentiments: bitterness, jealousy, anger, and hatred. Envision these emotions enveloping them, obscuring clarity and rational thought. Invoke the aid of your chosen higher power to amplify the hex’s potency.

Allow the candle to extinguish naturally. Upon completion, your target will be consumed by negativity, beset by misfortune and turmoil in their existence.

A swift kick to the balls… Repeat 3x a day if needed if boundaries are not respected

There are some great options given already, just wanted to mention to be very careful around your target when choosing to enhance any negative sentiments or feelings of weakness

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Please keep posting more and more.

1: I have requested Glasya-Labonas to finish this person.

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