Free tarot readings

So, I’m going to do tarot readings for anyone interested. I need some practice! Before you get a reading from me, please know that I could be completely wrong. If you plan to make serious life decisions based on it, you’re crazy

If you have specific questions, you can ask, or if you want a general reading, you can ask that too. I’ll try to do as many as I can before I get overwhelmed. I might not respond immediately, but you will probably get a response on the same day or the next day, not more than 2 days.


I’m right here. I need a general reading.

I would love a general reading,

Hi @Nobody_Nobody

I want to know about my career: will I get promoted at the end or beginning of next year?

You are a person who likes balance, you help others, and you’re generous. Right now, you’re dealing with some emotional pain that you might be a bit too focused on, and it’s acting as an obstacle. You need to set stronger boundaries because you want emotional stability but are struggling with it. Try working with others; if you’re helping people, don’t forget you can also ask for their help when you’re feeling down. It’s important to talk to others about what you’re going through instead of bottling it up I feel like you are a person who doesn’t like when others look into your life you like you secrecy i felt this throughout doing this reading. Stay diligent and patient in your efforts, seek fairness in your situations, and manage your responsibilities wisely. you have the inner strength to face these challenges and come out stronger.

There’s a sense of feeling unrecognized or undervalued right now, which might be affecting your confidence. This lack of acknowledgment you’re experiencing. You might feel like your efforts aren’t leading to the lasting stability you seek, so it’s essential to focus on the long-term connections and support systems in your life.


Thank you for the reading

Will you be promoted? I’m getting a no. You need to make clearer decisions about what’s important in your career; you might have some unrealistic expectations. You’re choosing between options, so whatever you’re doing, think about it more before making a decision. There are unresolved issues that are going to prevent your promotion. There’s a lack of clear communication, and you might struggle with decision-making or not be doing things exactly how your higher-ups want you to. To get a promotion, you need to shift your perspective or do something new to create space for growth. You’re taking on too much, maybe for the satisfaction of others, but this is hindering you a lot; you’re burdened by it.

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Thank you for your reading,

But this is quite opposite of what I am experiencing. In less than a year I have achieved more than my experienced colleagues, I am very respected by my bosses and people around are saying I will be promoted soon.

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I am glad it’s going well for you, I guess I messed up since I haven’t read in a while

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Read about love please
does my work colleague really like me, is she an older girl and has black hair, or does she just want it for her own benefit?
She confessed to me that she likes me, but I don’t think so.

I would love one , spiritual reading thank you and my current path and future

I would like you to give me a general reading.

I would like a wealth reading please and thank you! :grin:

for who u said that ?

What methods are more advanced than evocation in terms of manifesting results?

General reading for me please :person_raising_hand:t2:

You’re feeling frustrated because things aren’t moving forward as quickly as you’d like, and there’s a sense of lack of progress. It’s important to take action without letting fear hold you back. You might be feeling burned out and disconnected, but you need to find balance. Don’t rush into things. Focus on finding peace within your personal life. Once you address these internal struggles, you’ll see positive changes externally. There will be stability, celebration, and success. Trust your decisions; if something feels right, go for it. Trust your intuition, don’t overthink, but make sure you’ve thought it through

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She seems immature, manipulative, and defensive. She might have considered genuinely liking you, but her primary motive doesn’t seem to be love; it appears to be for her own emotional fulfillment or material gains. She is not sure what she wants from you yet, but she sees you as someone stable and is seeking stability in her life by leaning on you.

Despite this, I do see that if you two are together, it might lead to a more harmonious relationship. If both of you can invest and navigate the challenges, this could be a successful relationship. Stability seems to be an overall theme in this reading regarding the relationship in the future. And 444 was coming up so it emphasized the point (stability)

I’d like one please!

This is what is called the accuracy of divination and tarot card reading… You nailed it 100.1% I’m really so frustrated. And there’s no progress. Sometimes I’ll be like what fuck I’m supposed to do.