Free intuitive tarot reading in exchange for channeling entities

Hi guys. I come from a family of tarot readers. I’ve been very accurate - just let me amaze you. I have more than 6 card decks that can satisfy your love, career, finance, and any other questions.
The only thing is I need ACCURATE channeling from Lucifer and belial. Dantalion, Azazel, Lilith, Orias, King Paimon, clauneck, Lucifuge, Asmodeus would also help.

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What would you like channeled from them?

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I’ve moved this thread to the Free Readings section rather than General since you are looking for an exchange rather than discussion.

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Why do you need channelling when you can read accurately though?

Genuine question.


Lady Eva, that’s a great question. When you start to do tarot readings, you’ll find that the truth isn’t so easy to accept- especially when is about yourself.
Also, some readers are more seasoned towards other areas - some romantic, some political.

I can give you a reading if you want. I expect nothing in return.

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I have a scientific quest for you.
Use 1 deck as the demon speaking. 1 for your weekness. And one for the demon giving you direction.

I am new to runes and tarot and did a read because i felt a strong pull to do so. I laid the cards the obstacles and outcome and the runes were sidenotes and advice.
Just go with what feels right in your belly.


Can this also be done with 2 cards of the same deck : Card one is the ‘problem’ Card two is the ‘solution’ ?


Absolutely. Try it out, you may even want to do a few freebies😉 me first lol


My new deck arrives this week, I’ll let you know.


PM me your question. PS the best readers there own rules

PM me your question.