Free goetia pathworking book till Saturday

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Disagree. Would you like to be constrained and confined, basically jailed??

You brought up an interesting point about her work. While reading it I was not sure how accurate and reliable the information was or, rather, it was merely just her preference based on experience. I intend to ask my Daemons-mentors directly and how they prefer their sigils, with or without the circle. I know that each Daemon has a personalized signature too which we can use instead of their sigil.

Connoly explains that the circle is used (by the Demonolaters) to “contain and balance the energies in the rituals,” whereas in Solomonic Demonic Magick the circle is used for protection. Also, by referencing some questions above (by some inexperienced folks), I’d suggest to be very careful in following the directions found in random books on Goetia.

The Demonolaters do not use restrictive methods with circles and prefer using ‘invocations’ over ‘‘evocations’ ( Invo stands for ’ in-vite’). I personally don’t like both methods. Instead, I have the Dark Lords/Ladies over for a tea;).

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but it seemed better than to a create a new one. Also a number of people in this thread seem to have got this book. I got it a couple of days ago and expect to start working with it within a week or so.
Its been out for a few years now so I would like to find out from people who have used it how they found it results wise? Also are there any particular tips or insights you found during the course of working with it?

Many thanks

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I have this book but I’ve not used it extensively, perhaps only a few times and usually to cross reference the powers found in other sources.

It lists plenty of things you can achieve per spirit so it is good for that at least and I like the way he put the powers in categories for quick reference of what spirit can be chosen for. I think for me, that’s where I’ve found the book most useful. There’s a section for calling on Raziel, which in this book is who you call on first to connect with your chosen demon. It leans heavily on GoM’s work and the author says this method is easier.

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Many thanks. The quick reference categories are interesting, although I note that Glasya Labolas was conspicuously absent from the war category.

Theres the pre-procedure bit where you first call in Raziel prior to carrying out any workings from the books. The bit where you use a specific combination sigil to call in Raziel in order to ask Raziel to be available when you start using the rituals in the book.
What struck me as a little unexpected was how long it took for Raziel to present. I’ve worked extensively with Raziel and he usually comes into presence in a very feelable way pretty quickly.
But when calling him in with the method given in this book, it took a long time for him to present and tbh the energetic presence felt a little different to how Raziel usually feels to me.
Maybe I was just having an off day. Just struck me as unusual

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I didn’t get as far as spotting that but I have read some members here saying they found him to be friendly and helpful for things aside from baneful.

Perhaps, different methods, different ‘pathways’, different aspects maybe?

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Glasya has known non baneful applications too. But given that the book later presents categories of powers and omits Glasya from the category of baneful applications, that seems odd to me.

Could well be.

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