Free cord cutting/releasing ritual on Saturday, June 17th - let go of that shit. (CLOSED, ritual finished)

Topic closed, preparatory work in progress :slight_smile:


@iAMmagick the system tells me that you’re not accepting PMs. Just letting you know that I haven’t forgotten you, I just can’t send you a message :+1:

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@anon95297233 same goes for you. The system tells me that you’re not accepting PMs at the moment. Haven’t forgotten your sketch either, I just can’t reach out :slight_smile:

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@A_Pariah, Thank you for letting me know. I’m not sure how to turn on receiving the PM.

Go to your profile. Under “Preferences” you can click on “Notification” and then you can unlock the setting “Messages” right at the bottom of the menu (you need to check off the box, as in this example) :slight_smile:

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It should work now.

Thanks again! :grin:

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Ready to release 31 unwanted, dysfunctional and hindering attachments :slight_smile: i have connected every cord with a red thread; I’ve annointed it with banishing oil beforehand. Soon we’re all uttering “Fuck off,mate” softly into the flames that will unburden us from whatever is weighing us down. I will keep a road opener candle burning after that for the rest of the night :+1: i will update this thread in a few hours.

Edit: quite some dramatic lightning in the distance from a mini thunderstorm that edges my living place. I find this oddly fitting :slight_smile:


Thank you Dear @A_Pariah



I have finished the cord cutting ritual :slight_smile:
I have uttered the universally magickal incantation “Fuck it” and asked the Fire to take care of everything that holds back, that binds and that keeps us stuck in a place.

I wish every participant a swift and noticable release from their respective cord.
I will light a road opener candle for the community, to make a restart after the cord cutting much smoother. I will also add a reading in the next two or so days for the overall vibe after this ritual. Thanks to everyone for participating :slight_smile:


Thank you very, very much @A_Pariah, for your generosity and letting all of us participate in this.

As we’re in the same timezone I made sure to alert between 8 and 9. Around 20.15 untill around 20.30 I suddenly felt extremely tired, checked the forum and saw that you finished the ritual :hugs:

I wish nothing less than the best for you, and all participants :hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus:


Not going to lie, having these attachments sitting around in here gave me a really weird cough/shortness of breath for a bit. It cleared up completely after everything went into the flames :sweat_smile: I’m exhausted now, as well.


Glad they’re gone with the wind now😎


Thank you very much, @A_Pariah for taking the time and effort to do all this. I will post if there are any noticeable changes in my life.

Now, I had candles lit from midnight to about 3 AM EDT. Then I put them out when I go to bed. I woke up late and I still have them lit now as I’m typing this. Does this help or make a difference?

I can’t have lit candles unattended because of fire safety.

Thanks again.


Thank you, my friend!


Technically you don’t have to do any additional work. However, if you feel that you’re called to use that time frame for a little extra boost: go for it :muscle: Do what feels beneficial for you (under the guideline of safety measures as in not letting burning candles unattended, of course!) and whats at your disposal at the given time.


Thank you very much!


Thank you so much A_Pariah :rose::tulip::cherry_blossom:

I have felt a calmness and tiredness coming over me the past few hours and you have inspired me to write some words down on paper which I will also burn.

The fire looks beautiful by the way :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s to the renewing for everyone.