Free cord cutting/releasing ritual on Saturday, June 17th - let go of that shit. (CLOSED, ritual finished)

I‘m in :slight_smile: Thank you very much for the offer! :slight_smile:

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Update: a chunk of attachments visualized and ready to burn :slight_smile:

@CovertCreator i will add yours when you’ve made your mind up about what needs to go :saluting_face:


Ok thank you A_Pariah, but same as Ragepanda said, your profile is hidden so I can’t send a message :man_shrugging:

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I am in . Due to my now knowledge if this special day ill do a personal extra rite for this on this day.

I want to burn and cut ties with a old and too vulnerable version of myself wich keeps manifesting uncounciously again and again toxic coping mehanisms in my life wich causes me to be stuck in some habitual ways and piling up amass of toxic energys around me wich produces sometimes unnecessary chaos and low self esteem in my life.

Thank you for giving us this opurtunity @A_Pariah to join.

I apreciate it :grin: :love_you_gesture::zap::heart_on_fire:


Are you still taking participants?


Yes. Until Thursday :grin:


Count me in please! And thank you for doing this for everyone :grin:

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Can you DM me as well? I’m not able to DM you for some reason.

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In in tnx

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We’re in the same timezone☺️
Would it be helpful to make sure to be focussing on the intent around that time. Maybe to make sure to be lying down, or sit outside, anything like that?

I know you said in the original post that you’ll also post about the preparatory work, so if this was meant to be answered at a later stage; forgive me :grinning:


If it helps you personally to feel extra close to the energies at play: go for it! :muscle: I have designed this working to be “Autopilot” mode for the participants, as my time zone is different from the majority of the Community and I didn’t wish for anyone to feel excluded because they can’t manage to be present at the exact time. I would say that it suffices to connect with the day, by simply acknowledging it in terms of bringing change. If you have the Option to put some extra energy into this working (like the things you’ve mentioned, or lighting a candle or asking your Spirit Guides, your Higher self etc. for their presence, meditating, burning something, whatever is at your disposal) it will most certainly have a beneficial influence!


Me too, definitely!

I’d like to be released from whatever is blocking me from prosperity and other personal things.


I will definitely be doing that than😇


I’m in thx

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Welcome @Theyellowking It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so before asking to take part in group rituals, PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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ok I did it thx

bumping it before I close this thread tomorrow :+1:



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Thank you for doing this, here as well, whatever hold me back spirituality and earthly matters.
much appreciate it :heart_eyes:

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Thank you, please count me in.

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