Fortune telling reading with clouds?

Does such a thing exist?

Like reading clouds for fortune telling?

In theory all random generated objects and situations can be used for fortune telling. So yeah I guess clouds could be used as well. No idea how you could interpret a cloud tho.

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its more like a buncha clouds pattern like interpretation, idk

I read clowns… I need sleep. Maybe you can maybe it can cause a short of a vision?

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yes thats what i thought

by the way, go to sleep when you can :slight_smile:

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They fixed the AC and I have it down to polar ice cap. I think that is why I want to pass out. The 8 hours of sleep over 5 nights is doing a number on me.

ouch, im sorry to hear :frowning:
I hope you get sleep soon

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It’s part of aeromancy.

Aeromancy (from Greek ἀήρ aḗr, “air”, and manteia, “divination”) is divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions. Alternate spellings include arologie, aeriology and aërology.


Yes it does exists. You can read literally everything. From clouds in the sky till the dust on your window. As everything, needs practice.


Thank you Anassa and Velenos

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You can scry into pretty much anything. Your ability to make sense of you perceive I think is the challenge. I scry into wall patterns and tree leaves and grass and pretty much anything you can think of, but making sense of what I see is usually the issue. Most of the time it doesn’t seem to apply to anything, but usually I am not attempting to learn anything either. Usually I am just scrying because oh shiny…