Forced Astral Projection

I’m a Korean. Even if English grammar is strange, please understand.

My desire is to communicate with spirit beings by doing astral projection. However, no matter how I try, astral projection does not work.

Can demonic beings force me to become an astral projection?


Yes they can. That’s the short answer


I’m sure they can, whether or not they are willing to do so is another story. Usually a forced/heavily aided projection doesn’t happen without a good reason. Apparently, “Let me hug you!” Doesn’t count as a pressing matter. I’ve tried…


Yes, but I’ve heard it can be traumatic to be suddenly ripped from your body.


It happened to me and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world. I thought i would go deaf from the pressure and hum at my ears but it was amazing.


I for one can astral project on my own, and I have had entities such as Azazel, Belial, Mammon, and Sallos pull me out of my body into their temples. So yes it is possible.


Can you help me?

Astral project?


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First meditate until you are in the correct state (connected to the area around you, and your physical vision seems split between the veil). Once you are to this point, practice lifting your astral arms up. First lift your physical arms in front of you. Pay close attention to how this feels, the movement, and the thought that goes into lifting them. Oncw you have done this and have the visual and feelings embedded in your mind, do this again, but with your astral arms. Imagine your arms leaving your physical body. You may do this with your eyes open or closed. I prefer closed. When the astral body separates from the physical, you will feel sorts of a tearing or peeling on the very top layer of skin. Practice this a few times then get back to me.


just curious: so how Do you aska demon to rip ur astral form out lol

we’ll work on it.

You’re not ready for that yet.

Don’t worry,
you’ll get there.



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Will you be my master?

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For the moment.

You’ll become a Master yourself.

I teach, those whom teach and lead.




@Audreen @Yberion
If there is something you don’t know how to express in English based on the Korean words. I can help you as I know both languages. So you two can communicate effectively.

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Thank you for the addition.

Note for myself:
This is a publically viewable channel,
not Private Message.

Stick calm,
to the PM.



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Could you pm me on “how to forced astral projection”

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That’s actual work,
for me.

I have to switch between my forms,
go there,
get the person,
do the travel,
and then,
begin teaching the mechanisms of it,
to the student.

That’s a little bit more,
then i can write into a message,
you know?

Ask Azazel,
or another Demonic King to do that with you.

It’s not like i’m the only Spirit Capable of it. :wink:

